View Full Version : Scientific Tea Preparation

08-29-2006, 03:29 PM
I never dreamed that scientists would have their own proven methods of tea preparation, but here it is. The article is a PDF file that is long and "heavy", but very informative and has lots of pretty charts to amuse you while it is giving you a headache. Brew yourself a fresh cup of tea and enjoy it while plowing through the data. It discusses the best ways to extract the most amount of effective catechins from the tea, which is what we need to inhibit the HER2 protein.

http://www.efph.purdue.edu/files/File/eb2006posters/fs690_EB2006_Tea_Digestion_Poster.pdf#search=%22eg cg%2Bcitric%2Bacid%22

08-29-2006, 06:51 PM
They sure can write any article, including tea brewing. It is very hard to read, small and fuzzy letters.


08-29-2006, 08:18 PM
GOOD GRIEF! I think I'd better load it into a powerpoint slide show first and get some popcorn (oops I mean flaxseed) and settle in for the evening!

By the way, Tom, it's great to have you back in good spirits again after the most recent scare with your mom. It's not everyone who can make fighting cancer a playful experience!

Love and kisses,

08-29-2006, 09:46 PM
Thanks Chris. And to you as well Ann, I am sorry that the PDF article was so long and difficult to read, but it can be enlarged by clicking on the tool at the top after it opens up. I just found it fascinating. It figures that there are ways to do things right and wrong in something even as simple as making tea. I am just thankful that one of God's little surprises comes in one of the last places you would look, as in tea leaves. I was so excited when I found out that green tea had anti-HER2 properties. That's why I firmly believe that the answer to cancer will be discovered right in front of our noses some day soon. This stuff must be here for a reason, and we just have to put together the pieces. When I think back to the look of disdain I got from Mom's surgeon when I told her I was giving her lots of green tea and green tea extracts. It was a look that said, "Gee what a kook". Of course the real kook was the one that failed to stage Mom properly in my opinion. But what the hell do I know? I'm brewing green tea all day to treat breast cancer.

I have a personal theory about some of this stuff. I often wonder why there are things like the Ebola virus in the world. I wonder what purpose it serves. It comes out of nowhere, kills a few hundred people, then the outbreak ends as fast as it began. I theorize that an agent like Ebola might someday be used to treat cancer, if it could be mutated or piggy-backed selectively into malignant cells and release it's horrible properties of simultaneous hemorrhaging and coagulation. They are already experimenting along those lines with other viruses. Salmonella I believe is one of them. Remember folks, you heard it here first...lol.

And by the way Chris, my sense of humor is the only thing that has kept me alive for all these years of watching family die of this freaking insideous disease. When I lose that, it will be over for me. The tears of a clown as they say. Take care.



08-30-2006, 08:23 AM
Wow. That would make for good reading on a night when you can't get to sleep.

Tom, after reading this article, did you make any changes in how you prepare your tea? (This had been disussed in an earlier "green tea" topic.)

We had also discussed bottled tea, and how slim pickin' our choices are. I buy the Unsweetened Lipton Original Iced Tea to use when I'm in a hurry and headed out the door, and want to take along something other than water to drink. It is made with fresh brewed tea, so I figure it is a good substitute for my homemade brew, when in a hurry. It is not decaffinated, though.

Thanks again for the tea info.
