View Full Version : Remaining breast is getting larger

Liz J.
08-18-2006, 07:16 PM
Hi all,

I have a call into my breast surgeon, but as would be normal at this time of year he is on vacation. I have noticed a change in my left breast (the remaining breast), over the last few weeks. I am sure my breast is getting larger. Also there are many spider like veins appearing and what looks like stretch marks. I have checked out the inflamatory sites and it doesn't look like that. I pray it's not. I was able to get an appt. with the surgeon on 8/31 but I am going to try to see him sooner. I want a sono or MRI. I hope I am not jumping the gun, but this is definetly happening. I will see my onc this Thursday for my Herceptin. I have been on Herceptin since February '06 and Arimidex since October '05. Had last mammo March '06. Getting checked reguraly but many docs, but I am concerned. Found lump in March '05 on my own. Had mast April '05. Six rounds of CAF finished in Sept. '05 and now on the Herceptin and Arimidex. Original diagnosis 1.5 cm invasive ductal, HER2++, ER 90%+, PR 10% +.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Liz J.

08-18-2006, 08:03 PM
Dear Liz

Have you gained weight (even over time - a pound here or there isn't noticeable and then all of a sudden that extra 15 lbs adds up - usually there). Are you retaining water? Drug switch? Don't know where you live but its been really hot here - salt/water retention. How's your blood pressure (just more on water retention here).

Don't worry until there's something to worry about. You will see the surgeon soon. Can your onco order an MRI right now? Getting it over and done with will help alot.

Hugs to you


08-18-2006, 09:54 PM
My breasts have gotten larger also, even the one that I had the lumpectomy in. I hate it. I have gained around 4 pounds but I dont think it's all in my boobs. Could have something to do with harmones...sherryg683

08-19-2006, 04:16 AM
on the left side. when i had my implant inthe right they matched pretty well but now there is a size difference. it is amazing how it creeps up. Don't panic yet and hopefully it will turn out to be nothing. mine is weight gain from oophrectomy, menopause, Tamoxifen(now Arimidex), herceptin.........take your pick