View Full Version : Which Vaccines look most promising? Need opinions!

06-29-2006, 09:26 PM
I've been looking around at all these vaccines, and I can't figure out which ones would be good to try. I am currently NED after bone and liver mets as of March 2006. I am really interested in these vaccines, and I just can't shake the idea that they are possibly something that could help. Any of you have an experience in the vaccine department? THANKS!

06-30-2006, 07:29 AM
Hi Julie,

I was in the Phase I/II CTL peptide-based vaccine study which required HLA A2 positivity. UW has several different vaccines they're testing, and I'm not familiar with the differences but a good starting place for information is to contact the study coordinator for each trial, who will be able to give you some information and possibly send a copy of the Consent Form (these contain all the details about the particular vaccine and as well, the cautions about being a participant)...BUT, only you will be able to decide if it's something you want to pursue. When I was thinking about the study I got into, I asked my oncologist to look into it for me; even with all the info available from this site and from the UW site I wanted to make sure he was comfortable with me being in the trial. He talked with Dr. Disis, and had all his questions answered so felt good about my participation, and that's what tipped the scales for me. You should ask one of your doctors who you trust to make a few calls for you. I think you're wise to think it over carefully, and in the final analysis you'll have to make the call. This IS a good time to get into a trial, being NED, which was when I entered, and even though I had a subsequent recurrence, my onc and I feel the vaccine has helped keep the spread in check. Good luck with your decision.

<3 Lolly

06-30-2006, 09:10 AM
I second Lolly's comments and I, as well was in the U of W vaccination trial. They have several trials going on, this link will bring you to the web site with their study abstract noting the results of the trial Lolly and I were in...they presented this at the ASCO conference in Atlanta last month.

http://www.asco.org/portal/site/ASCO/menuitem.34d60f5624ba07fd506fe310ee37a01d/?vgnextoid=76f8201eb61a7010VgnVCM100000ed730ad1RCR D&vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=40&index=y&abstractID=33005 (http://www.asco.org/portal/site/ASCO/menuitem.34d60f5624ba07fd506fe310ee37a01d/?vgnextoid=76f8201eb61a7010VgnVCM100000ed730ad1RCR D&vmview=abst_detail_view&confID=40&index=y&abstractID=33005)

Good luck and let us know which one you choose...I think it is interesting to follow the different trials and see what they are reaching for.
Love Kim from CT