View Full Version : Information please!

joanie long
06-24-2006, 10:31 PM
My name is joanie long. I am a two and one-half year breast cancer survivor
with IDC, Grade II, ER positive, PR negative, HER 2 neu 6.3, age 69 when diagnosis made. Treatment: 7 weeks radiation followed by a 5-yr plan of
one/day Arimidex. Tumor size was 8 mm. located right up against chest wall with no lymph node involvement. Two lumpectomies were done one week
apart because the margins were not clear the first time, and the second time
all margins are slim.

Is there anyone reading this that has a similar situation, and if so, would you be
so kind as to share any information with me regarding your situation and your
treatment plan?

Thanks in advance.