View Full Version : BAckpain- mets or not?

06-22-2006, 10:04 AM
I'm sorry to be such a worry wort but I need to let out!

I've been having backpain on my very low back. On my rump http://www.her2support.org/vbulletin/images/smilies/smile.gif. It's not too bad in the morning and gets progessively worse as day passes. It also hurts if I sit for too long. I don't know if it's just age ( my cousin has similar symptoms but she does not have c) or something to really worry about. Ibuprofen does not help

I'm also getting the rib pain that many of us get with the herceptin. So this doesn't concern me as much as the back pain

I also get this nagging pain down my spine's sides but only when I move a certain way. This is worse after herceptin and then starts subsiding a bit. also gets worse if I sit too long- like when I'm here too much http://www.her2support.org/vbulletin/images/smilies/smile.gif. I also worked on back yard last week to get ready for my daughter's h.s. graduation and of course I was very sore the following days. duh!

I'm so scared to ask for an mri to determine bone mets or not. You all know how it is. We are so fragile emotionally sometimes.

What's your voice or opinion on these symptoms. do you use dry heat or menthol patches or any pain meds?

I really appreciate your comments.


MCS ( maria)

06-22-2006, 10:24 AM

Your symptoms are familiar to me... I as well did some yard work (raking) and was sore even 2 weeks later. I went to my radiation oncologist because the pain was similar to what a bone met would be (so they said). From the beginning he said that I had tight muscles from lack of excercise and that the lower back pain was from having weak abdominal muscles (again, lack of excercise). Anyway, for peace of mind (more mine than his) he ordered a CT and a PET. In the end, he was right and he suggested Celebrex. I ended not taking the Celebrex because I hate taking more drugs.... I still don't exercise like I should, but I am more careful about weekend yard work!

I do believe that peace of mind is wonderful... you can't ignore your inner voice... get a scan or something if you think it will make you feel better. It did for me!

Best to you!

MTS (the other maria)

06-22-2006, 11:05 AM
I AGAIN remembered a post on this same subject (boy, wish my SHORT term memory was THIS good:) Hope this helps.



06-22-2006, 12:17 PM
and it's not from any chemo or drugs, as I never did them.

I also do a lot of gardening and other stuff. Somehow, I must have strained something..maybe pushing rocks around to build a small raised garden, or whatever else I may have done, without realizing it.

It hurt to lay down, it hurt to sit down, the pain sometimes was in my rump, other times in my hip other times in the joint between the leg and hip, and often radiated down my leg. If I stood too long, it was awful for me at night...Miserable darn thing. I went to a chiropractor to get straightened out, and when I came home, I felt a lot better. It's still a bit annoying at times, but gets better each day now. I suspect it may be a sciatica (sp?) thing, which lasts awhile, and is painful. I also upped my intake of Ester C..big time. Vitamin C does help with arthritic type pain.


06-22-2006, 01:51 PM

For peace of mind I would mention it to your oncologist. I have constant back pain but then I had lumbar fusion. The pain you describe, lower back and into the rump -- sounds like it could be siatica (spelling?). I'm not a doctor and I would surely have it checked out. I know that since my diagnosis every ache and pain I get my mind starts to run wild!

06-22-2006, 03:13 PM
I, too, let my mind go wild and every pain, move, itch, etc is something to think about.

Thank you Rhonda for the link. I searched first before I wrote the question and did not come up with this thread.

MCS ( maria)

06-22-2006, 06:35 PM
I am of NO help to this thread...but I just had to LAUGH when I see wonderful Ronda come to save the day again. She is so awesome! I seriously just do not understand HOW she can always remember...and know where to find a link on the topic at hand.

I wish I could do that...I could probably save alot of people from having to read my posts.

Ronda, you really blow my mind. Gee...I have chemo brain half the time...its just now sort of clearing up. lol That is just amazing how you remember all these threads. I just LOVE IT...I really do. I am jealous....wish I could do that.
