View Full Version : Happy Father's Day!

Sandy H
06-18-2006, 11:41 AM
I want to wish all those fathers who have raised or are raising children and at the same time are caring and supporting their spouses on this journey a big Happy Father's Day! For some just when the nest became empty then a new journey began and yet others never got that far and it became a double duty. Either way this unexpected journey I am sure changed your life for ever never to be the same. For those of you on this board supporting us with research answers, inspiring us, being here as a friend thank you. I will not mention names for fear of leaving someone out (chemo brain) but you know who you are and this also includes those that do not post on this board, my husband being one of those, but are there for your loved one. Sending you all a big hug, Sandy

06-18-2006, 02:26 PM
as well as the sons:) We have some wonderful guys in our midst and not only are the wives, mothers and children of these men blessed, but so are we. Take care and God bless.


Sandy H
06-18-2006, 04:58 PM
Thanks Rhonda you covered them all, Sandy

06-18-2006, 07:13 PM
I also want to wish the same to all you Dad's out there with whom our children are blessed to have. I am thankful that my children have the wonderful father and grandfather they have and I am fortunate, as well, to have them as my husband and father.

lu ann
06-19-2006, 12:02 AM
I have been editing video tape for the last two years of our family. I made 2 DVD's for my husband and his three daughters entitled "Daddy and Me". I used a computer program that enabled me to go clip by clip.

The video include things such as the following: planting gardens, horsey back rides, sitting on Daddy's shoulders while hiking through the park.....singing the theme from Raw-Hide, feeding the neighbors cows grass, swimming in their little pool, carving pumpkins, decorating easter eggs, reading bedtime stories, giving them tractor rides, flying kites, etc. etc., the list goes on and on.

I think one of the best clips, is watching him iron their frilly Christmas dresses, while watching the Cleveland Browns in a Christmas Eve play-off game. To give you a visual, my husband is an "Old Hippy". He has no hair on top, and has a beard that covers his chest. He is also wearing a Cleveland Browns sweatshirt. What a guy!

I have been blessed to have Tom for my Husband and the Father of our Children. He's not perfect, but pretty close to it. I know that if something happens to me before our last child is an adult, he is capable of doing both mine and his duties. I always said he is a better "Housewife then I am". Plus he is the best Handy Man. If he doesn't know at first how to do a task, he figures it out.

Prior to my recent recurrance I told Him He was not aloud to die before I did. I really meant it. There is no way I could maintain the mechanics of running this house, cars, and property. I would have to go into a condo.

I have also been known to quote "managing cancer is easier then raising teenagers". I have one more to go and she is pushing the limit on everything. But, we'll save that for a future post!!!

I wish all the Dad's out there "Happy Father's Day". And same goes for all the Mom's that have to be both "Mom" and "Pop".

Love and Blessings from Lu Ann