View Full Version : No Answers

06-16-2006, 02:16 AM
Noone ever seems to answer my questions, why is that?

06-16-2006, 03:31 AM
Probably simply because they cannot. It is difficult to respond to "technical" questions when you simply do not know what to say or have any suggestions, particularly when they head into the big areas of fear for all sufferers brain cancer.

MS and cancer is by its nature proably a fairly small group - I am sure people would help if they knew what to say.

So much is unknown about this disease.

Re the MS I do recommend that you try and find a copy of "Smart Fats" M Scmidt, or the newer version. MS and fats is one of the topis dealt with.

You might also like to look at the posts on omega three and omega six and diet and BC if this is not already on your adgenda. (click on search above and enter the search term).


06-16-2006, 01:32 PM
Hi HavahJ:

I took a quick look back through the board to see what kind of questions that you pose, and only found one.

The only suggestion that I would have is perhaps if you posted more detail on your problem, people would be better able to relate to their own experience and respond with what they have done.

For example "Has anyone ever experienced only 1 met and not had it progress?" is pretty vague. Where is it? How big is it? How are you treating it now?

Lots of people on this board have 1 met. But they are all in different places and have different worries. You are looking for your "sister" who is alike enough to you who can tell you what she experienced.

As for the question "Has it never progressed?"...... You can get a difinitive answer to that by looking at statistics if you want a scientific guess as to what your future might hold. I got that particular information by asking my oncologist directly and she responded with detailed stats as to time to progression and other bits of data.

And yes, some people are lucky and the met doesn't progress for a long time, and some people are even luckier and they get to the magical NED status.

Best of luck to you,

06-16-2006, 06:35 PM
I am so sorry that you felt left out or ignored...I didn't quite know what you were asking either...I did have one met in the liver for at least 7mos which was the only way they would do a liver resection. 6 mos after the surgery they found a couple of small bone mets...but I do feel very blessed to have only had 1 liver met which was 3 cm. and they found the bone mets by "accident" while I had a 6mos follow up ct scan of my liver..They were able to see something one the spine behind my liver...I also felt very lucky that they found them so small..It has been over a year since the bone mets were dx'd and I still have had no pain..at least that wasn't related to treatment pain!!
Take care Havah!!