View Full Version : so sorry...

05-26-2006, 05:48 PM
I haven't logged in awhile and almost fell off my chair to find out that both Linda and Lyn have passed. I wish to offer, although so late, my deepest condolenses to the families...Al and Dawn.
It will be 4 months on Monday since the passing of my sister, Carole. My sister-in-law, who was also 44 years of age died 11 days after Carole..also breast cancer.
On a brighter note, my oldest sister has been cancer free for 14 years this month!!
Keep up the fight everyone...and wow, Canada's got the Lpatinib trial finally!
One question,if I may: I noticed some posts about WBR WITH Temador..is this a more standard treatment now?

05-26-2006, 07:26 PM
It's not the standard protocol - standard protocol is still just wbr. According to my dr., he has used it anecdotally with good success. However, he said that there was not yet strong clinical evidence to support it. I will be taking approx. 1/4 the normal dose on the days that I have radiation. I am taking a lower daily dose of radiation and the hope is that the combo will provide success without permanent side effects.