View Full Version : Did I take this the wrong way?

05-12-2006, 01:35 AM
I had a appointment with my Oncologist today, I was feeling pretty cruddy because I've had sinus problems now for over a week and radiation has got me exhausted. I've been NED since the first of April. We were talking about how often he intended to scan me and what the pros and cons were of me going on Herceptin every 3 weeks instead of every week like I am on now. He said that he would prefer to wait till he felt more confident of my not reoccuring before he let me go on every 3 weeks, he said he personally has seen better results with it being given every week and since I had responded so well intially to it weekly, he hated to change it. I then asked him if it were to reoccur, what time frame in my cause, would he think it would happen. He said if I were going to reoccur he felt it would be very soon, within 6 months. After that he would feel more comfortable with me goin on the 3 week Herceptin dose. That just sort of floored me. I am stage IV (had 2 small lung mets) but I did respond really well to my first does of chemo. I was just thinking I would have a longer period of time to not have to worry about reoccuring. My next scan will be at the end of June, right as we are planning our vacation. He asked if I wanted to get it done before vacation, so I wouldn't worry about it the whole time. My husband was with me on this visit and he said I read my Oncologist the wrong way. He said he thought it was a positive thing that he felt if I could make it 6 months, he would be feeling pretty safe about me. I guess me being in my "feel cruddy" state, just assumed I'd be reoccuring in 6 months or on my next scan. How would you all have taken this bit of news. Man, I don't want to have to go through chemo again so soon after radiation. My body is just tired...sherryg683

05-12-2006, 04:44 AM
Sherry: I think that you are just sick and tired of being sick and tired. That being said, I think your doctor had only the best intentions. He is advising what the possibilities are. That is the reason we all go through this crap. For the "good" possibilities. Knowing full well that there are not so good possibilities too.

Your husband was there - trust him. I know that when I was just finished with all the treatments someone could have told me that I won a million dollars and I doubt I would have driven to go pick it up!! Point being total mental and physical exhaustion. YOU JUST GOT DONE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE! We tend to look at anything related to cancer as the enemy.

Go and have a vacation. You and your husband deserve it. I pray you will stay NED for many many many years. - kim -