View Full Version : Traveling when healing from implants

05-03-2006, 09:18 PM
For those with implant experience.

I'm trying to decide whether to do implant before a trip or wait till after. If did it, then I would have only 6 weeks to recover and i'm going to a foreign country. this scares me quite a lot. infection, wound tearing, being bumped, lifting suticases, dealing with unfriendly traveleers - so I'm leaning towards postponing. I also have a lot of personal things going on before then ( my daughter is graduating from hs) so it would not allow me to recuperate as well

on the other hand, i have this expander which hurts as #?!& and if it gets bumped, i could be in difficult times

I feel like I'm just talking on the phone with all of you. So what do you think girls?

MCS ( maria)

05-04-2006, 04:40 AM
From my own experience, I would postpone it until after the travel, just due to the possibility of complications, carrying luggage etc....i know the tissue expander hurts like crazy, but it does take a while for the hurt to go away from the implants also...also, remember if you are flying long distance to get a sleeve for your affected arm or arms...preventing lymphadema is a must, and long flights can bring it on!

05-04-2006, 05:57 PM
I remember flying to Mexico about 3-4 weeks after implant surgery. My surgeon was concerned, mostly about carrying luggage, etc. I was careful to have my husband carry all the bags and I wore a compression sleeve on the plane. I might have postponed the trip, but was so looking forward to a beach vacation to help my recovery. Oh, also, I was not allowed to swim in the ocean, as I needed to keep the surgery site clean and dry. For me, it was easier to recover while on vacation where I didn't have to cook, clean, get the kids to school, drive them around everywhere... I could just relax. If this is the kind of trip you have planned, then it might be okay for you to go.

05-07-2006, 09:18 PM
Thank your for your response. I also had forgotten about the compression sleeve so thank you!


MCS ( maria)