View Full Version : Removal of ovaries?

04-17-2006, 01:45 PM
Has anyone opted to have their ovaries removed being ER- and not carrying the a BRA1 or 2 gene?

Based on family history, 2 aunts deceased from bc one before 50, other 55yrs, cousin with ovarian cancer, I received advice to consider having my ovaries removed even if I test negative for the BRA gene.

Thanks in advance.


04-17-2006, 01:58 PM
Wow! I was under the impression that if one was ER+ and pre-menopausal THEN it would be prudent to remove the ovaries... I also tested neg for BRCA and the opinion I received was that if my cancer is not "fed" by hormones, then it does not matter to get them removed.
I know of two women that have had breast cancer and then ovarian cancer and both are ER+
Thats not to say that ER- don't have a chance of developing Ovarian Cancer. In the end, all opinions will lead YOU to make the final decision.
If you are asking the question here, then you are still not comfortable with their removal- I would seek another opinion and clarify the pros and cons. All the surgeries we endure are to lessen the risk of the cancer coming back. Yet, there are no guarantees. My mother died of parotid cancer, but I am not removing mine!
I went back and forth with removing my ovaries and decided that the chance of the cancer recurring there was so minimal I decided to leave them alone. Do whatever gives YOU peace of mind.


04-17-2006, 03:42 PM
I don't think I have enough information to make a decision yet. I do know after this past year & 1/2 I am not ready for surgery.

I do have another appt. for a 2nd opinion. I was sent into chemopause do not know if my menustration will return but that did not seem to matter to the genetic counselor & the doc. They did say at the very least, doctors should be vigilant in watching my ovaries ultrasounds, CA-125 (though they did say that isn't real reliable). What's a girl to do?????



04-17-2006, 04:50 PM
I am 38 years old and diagnosed with stage IV HER2+++ er+/pr+ at the age of 36. I decided to have my ovaries removed instead of those dreadful Lupron shots. I figured if they were killing my ovaries anyway I may as well get it over with. No worries about ovarian cancer now. I don't know if my situation relates to yours at all but I hope it could be of some help. Sally

michele u
04-17-2006, 08:48 PM
Mary, I was stage 3 when dx at age 39. Now i'm 42(this week) I had my ovaries out right away with surgery, even before i knew if i was hormone neg or positive. I ended up being negative. Glad i took them out anyway. I had a ugly cyst on one and had lots of cramping with my periods. I didnt' want to worry about them being there anymore. If you are done with children, it will be easier for you to decide. Just another place where the cancer might spread is what i thought

Carol H
04-21-2006, 02:22 PM
I had my ovaries removed 3 yrs ago after my breast cancer had returned and spread to my bones but I am HERpos2 and ER- and was 34 yrs old but was advised by 2 different docs that it would be best to remove them even though it also was not gentic but I was so young and had young kids that I should remove anything hormonal in my body as the cancer was raging - the downside is I am in the menopause now but its not too horrendous - the hot flushes come and go each week and I have gained weight and have no libido(which does cause some problems in my marriage) but would advise asking lots of questions as I didn't and sometimes think did I really need them removed as I do not have hormone related breast cancer but my consultant was convinced it was the best thing to do and he is one of the best breast cancer consultants in Great Britain - its mixed feelings really - just ask all the right questions and do whats right for you in the end.

04-21-2006, 03:13 PM

I am er/pr+ but negative for BRCA 1 & 2. Because of family history, I am the ninth one on my mom's side to get bc, I am having my ovaries removed this summer.


04-21-2006, 04:27 PM

I am ER+ (50%) but PR neg. I just turned 47 but when my menses returned (but bloodwork said I was postmenopausal), I had my ovaries removed so I could stay on Arimidex (with Herceptin) which is a good combination.

I have had relatively little problems with this. Some hot flashes. I did have the postmenopausal side effect of getting 2 bladder infections in a row coupled with a ping pong effect of getting vaginal infections too. But I had one in November and the second in January and I have been good since then (had the ovaries removed at the end of Aug). I have not lost my libido nor have I gained any extra weight. I still feel like myself. I am happy to get the ovaries out because my paternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer (and this kind of cancer is not as survivable as breast cancer is) so I would do it in a flash again.

I was not BRCA 1 or 2 ("no mutations found") but there are many of us on my mom's side (including my mom who is a survivor) so there is something going on but not those 2 genes.

Good luck in your decision and have a nice weekend.


04-22-2006, 05:23 AM
All the experiences do help so I have another question. What surgery did you choose? I was told there were 3 options. Laproscopy, vaginally or traditional. What were your choices and how was recovery?



04-22-2006, 12:44 PM
I had my ovaries (and tubes) removed laproscopically. It was a breeze. Remember to ask about the tubes. I think all competant gynos remove them too because (ironically) they are made from the same kind of cells as the ovaries and are susceptible to the same kind of cancer (ovarian).

I was sore a couple of days - like I did way too many sit ups. I only took 1 week off from work (I have a desk job but do alot of business travel which my doc said no to for 3 weeks - no big deal there). But.... I also had a D&C with the oophorectomy and he cleaned up scar tissue from a previous Csection (he said he needed to do it because he couldn't get to the ovaries because of this build up). I have 2 friends from my local support group who got the ovaries removed to (and only the ovary/tube thing - nothing else) and one of them went out to dinner with her family that night. The other was fine in the morning (not as much soreness as me but I had more done). So, I think by itself, its almost nothing and I thought it was almost nothing anyway.

Warm regards


Cheryl E
04-22-2006, 05:44 PM
Laproscopic removal of ovaries was a breeze!! Went home the same day and on my feet (just a little slower than normal) the next day.