View Full Version : Who are you?? Profile of the on-line BC support member

al from Canada
01-29-2006, 09:18 PM
This is kind of interesting, a profile of ourselves? I guess we're not who we think we are; or who we aspire to be. Al

New Study Examines Scope Of Online Breast Cancer Support Groups

Category: Breast Cancer News (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?category=9)
Article Date: 21 Jan 2006 - 22:00pm (UK)http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/images/blanktab.gif
[/url] (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=36398#) (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/youropinions.php?associatednewsid=36398)
Stereotypes about who will use online support groups are wrong, according to research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The researchers found that age, income and education did not predict participation, although minorities were not as active as other users. The percentage of women with [url="http://www.mlclick.com/mlcl.php?aid=DA426DD18BE67EA4514ED9432FFC8CB1&fwd=501572.aspx"]breast cancer (http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/newsalerts.php) participating in online support groups is significant and has been growing steadily over the past decade. This new research provides insights about the characteristics of women who are more likely to participate in these groups when barriers to computers and Internet access are removed.

In the study conducted at the UW-Madison Center of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research, 144 women who were recently diagnosed with breast cancer were provided free computer hardware, Internet access and training in how to use an online health education and support system, which they were able to use for six months. The researchers then examined who was most likely to use the online support groups.

While socioeconomic status did not generally predict participation in these groups, there were trends toward more active participants expressing more positive physical, psychological and social status than less active participants. Specifically, there were trends toward more active participants reporting higher energy levels, a more positive doctor-patient relationship, fewer concerns about breast cancer (http://www.mlclick.com/mlcl.php?aid=DA426DD18BE67EA4514ED9432FFC8CB1&fwd=501572.aspx) and higher perceptions of support from one's family.

The study is published in the January/February 2006 issue of the journal CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing.

According to the lead author of the study, Bret Shaw, the researchers expected that that free access and training would be great equalizers in reducing differences one might expect based on age, education, or income. However, the authors were surprised by the results indicating that women with more positive appraisals of their physical, social and psychological states used the online support groups more frequently.

The most novel finding, according to Shaw, was that more frequent users reported having more support from their families. In reviewing the message transcripts, the authors determined that those who are closer with their family and friends perceive they have more to lose from breast cancer, and therefore are more inclined to communicate about those feelings with others.

"What women often wrote about their fears was that breast cancer (http://www.mlclick.com/mlcl.php?aid=DA426DD18BE67EA4514ED9432FFC8CB1&fwd=501572.aspx) might cut short their time to enjoy family and be around for important milestones as their children grow older. It appeared that the closer a woman felt to her family or larger social network, the more she feared her potential separation from them as a result of breast cancer (http://www.mlclick.com/mlcl.php?aid=DA426DD18BE67EA4514ED9432FFC8CB1&fwd=501572.aspx)," says Shaw.

The Center of Excellence in Cancer Communication Research at UW-Madison was funded in June 2003 by a grant of $10 million from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their families, particularly those from underserved populations.

Kelly Gatzke
University of Wisconsin-Madison
http://www.wisc.edu (http://www.wisc.edu/)

01-29-2006, 09:48 PM
Very interesting.
I wonder if there had been a group that was specifically aimed at the women that do not usually participate -- if that would have helped get these women involved. The women with little family or friend support may not feel comforatable in a group of people that they may feel they can't "compete" with. They may not feel that they fit in and soon cease to participate. However, this may also be the group that might typically opts out of support groups. I can empathize with this problem.
Wishing you and your wife, Linda, the very best. You. are and this group are a great "support" system to me.

01-29-2006, 10:24 PM
$10 million? Wow, a heck of a grant for communication. At one time, as a fundraiser, I would have busted my behind to get a grant like that. Now, as a survivor, it seems like that money would have been far better spent in trials or going toward other research.

Just my 2 cents. And we all know what that's worth!

Love and light,
