View Full Version : Can anyone 'feel' cancer?

01-18-2006, 08:33 PM
Hi all,
Okay before I was diagnosed at age 38, I kept getting funny sensations in my breast, much like the 'let-down' reflex for those of you who have breastfed...only thing is I hadn't breast fed in 2 years. Come to find out I had invasive ductal cancer. Now almost a year later I feel wierd sensations in my armpit and I think my surgeon just thinks I'm plain wierd! Any of you have similiar experiences? Love from Janet in Ct (fourboysmom)

01-18-2006, 10:22 PM
Janet, I get those sensations now, I don't think your weird at all. I am glad your having this lump looked at by other people instead of just the one. Your intuitions are all you have until the medical field can rule them out and dont' they tell us, "you know your body better then anybody and let us know if something doesnt' feel right?" Get it checked and go from there. You will finally get some peace of mind. Good luck tomorrow.

01-19-2006, 06:10 AM
Janet, in four years of dealing with BC, I have only asked for follow-up tests from my onc 2 times. Both times, I felt something was off. The first was liver and bone mets, the second time was about 10 days ago when I my MRI showed a small brain lesion.

Not to scare you, but we should listen to our bodies. I'm convinced mine is fitted with an early warning system.

01-19-2006, 06:30 AM
For months before I felt my lump, on some days, all of a sudden I could not stand wearing my bra and at the first opportunity would slip it off. I had bra's stuffed in the back of my desk drawer, in my purse and all over the place. It became somewhat of a joke. My husband would say 'what's with the bra's all over the place, I justfound one under the cushion on the sofa?' I would just say, they are bugging me and I can't find comfortable ones. Prior to that I was more uncomfortable walking around without a bra. When I think back, being aggravated by wearing a bra was my first indication that something was not right.


01-19-2006, 06:48 AM
I also have weird sensations in my armpit, after having mastectomy with node removal and radiation. My surgeon has suggested it is likely related to the healing process of the area. What type of scan would check this to be certain?

01-19-2006, 09:19 AM
Funny you asked this I have always wondered because in the area my lump was for at least a year prior I had that sensation or like a shooting pain. When I mentioned it to my ob he checked & there was not a lump then asked the usual about caffeine etc. I have to think it was related.


01-19-2006, 01:04 PM
This is what I felt in the area where my sentinal and adjacent lymph nodes were becoming cancerous. I had a very small primary tumor, but the nodes were getting very active and growing to the point of sticking together just above my nipple. Oddly enough this is where I felt the sensation like a feather touching me. Bra did not bother this area and I hate underwires anyway.

It was when I was sitting quietly and not otherwise much distracted that I would notice this feeling.

I think the answer is YES, we can feel our cancer if it is growing fast enough and in a sensative place. I could also feel my treatment working against my liver mets. Not really painful, but something not normally felt was noticeable.

01-20-2006, 04:44 PM
I used to feel the let down sensation and haven't thought of it for ages. but I haven't had it for ages! Must have been in my right breast which is no longer there.
Take care

01-20-2006, 05:41 PM
I get pain under my arm when those tumors get larger and press on nerves. I feel my collarbone tumors when they are growing fast as vibrations, but no pain.

01-23-2006, 10:11 AM
I also had that burning feeling in my breast and under my arms prio to diagnosis. That was a good way to describe it. The feeling you have when your breast milk is letting down. I wish I would have went to the DR straight away instead of waiting a few months.
