View Full Version : Arimidex side effect -- nausea and breathing?

11-25-2005, 01:49 PM
I am an early stage ductal invasive 1.2 cm, all PR,ER,HER2 positive, no node, cancer classification 1 - 2, no mets, opted for mastec. Clean margin. Of course, the big worry is the HER2+++. Still I opted for no radiation, no chemo and now on Arimidex, already for three weeks. My recent problem seems to be nausea and vomit after meals. While this is going on, I have breathing problem. My blood pressure was normal during the episode. I wonder there are others who experience the same problem and how do you resolve the problem. Of course, it could be a separate gastronomic problem, unrelated to Arimidex. I have tried to take Arimidex at different times, morning, noon and evening, with or without food; none seems to help. Since Arimidex has a long half life, I think it doesn't matter when I take the pill because the Arimidex is always in my body.
This problem has been giving me a lot of annoyance and may force me to eat very little, which is not really a healthy option. Thanks for your inputs.
