View Full Version : A special day

11-05-2005, 09:55 PM
I have posted in the past about having been diagnosed 5.5 years ago and having had brain mets. I was diagnosed at 32 years of age. I am married and my husband and I always wanted a family. So this is where our surrogacy journey began. It was a long bumpy road but our son is now 7 months old next week. We fought so hard to give him life and he has given us so much life.

My oncologist played a huge roll in all this. There was a lot of medical records and speaking in our behalf to the IVF specialist and so on. Well today was our son's baptism and our oncologist and his wife not only went to the church but came back to our home for a celebration. He really is such an advocate of hope and life. He believes in living the best life that you can. I know generally, doctors do not get involved with their patients private engagements. We were very touched. Our son has brought joy back into our lives.

11-05-2005, 11:33 PM
Annemarie, thank you for sharing your joy with us. And you have a pretty great doctor!

<3 Lolly

11-05-2005, 11:55 PM
Dear Annemarie -
You have an exceptional oncologist. He not only tries to heal the patient, but the PERSON! Cancer has deprived us all of all kinds of life's rewards, but in it's own strange way does give back if we only reach out enough.
Yours is a wonderful story.
When do we get pics??

Thank you
11-06-2005, 07:36 AM
I know bringing a child into the world when you do not have good health is a definate concern and not everyone would agree with it. Our oncologist said to us to not do things because you think you are going to die. He says that is the biggest waste of a life. He feels today bc can managed much like diabetes. He feels we should all do our best to live our lives fully.

Barbara H.
11-06-2005, 12:58 PM
This is the most inspiring and uplifting story. Thank you for sharing it. I find it so difficult to plan for the future and your story offers so much hope and inspiration.
A hundred times, "Thank you!!!!!!!"
Barbara H.

11-06-2005, 01:24 PM
Thank you for your positive responses. I did not share this earlier because I did not want to be judged. My husband also feels that just because I have had bc doesn't mean that he should not be a father. We just love this child. He is the greatest gift I have ever received. We are so happy! I am even going to take Temodar again (so he has renewed my fight)!!

Sandy H
11-06-2005, 01:43 PM
This is wonderful and thanks for sharing. I agree your husband should not be deprived of being a father or you as a mom! We did not choose to have this disease and we need to live life as normal as possible and that is different for each of us. I am sure this has been a big part of your healing. Please post some pictures for us. Sending you all a big hug. Sandy

11-06-2005, 08:51 PM
Annemarie, Congratulations on your son's baptism and may God continue to bless you and your family as you raise your son and maybe other future children!!
PS thank you for sharing even at the risk of judgement, way to go in truly living life to the fullest.

11-06-2005, 09:14 PM
I really do appreciate everyone's support. We cherish our baby so much and we have been through so much. I hope my story has inspired people to do the things they want in life and find a doctor who has encourages you to do the same.

I was so touched that our oncologist came to our baptism and spent the entire day. It really was so special. I will post a picture of the baby as soon as I can figure out how! LOL

11-08-2005, 11:30 AM

Wow, what an amazing journey. I am so happy that you fought for the surrogacy route and WON! Your Onc. must be exceptional. Mine is great too, but pretty emotionally detached. I am much closer to my nurse practicioner.

God Bless.

11-08-2005, 04:51 PM
Thanks for sharing-- your story brings me hope. We were 6 weeks from adopting a little girl from China when I was diagnosed in August of 2004. The diagnosis put a halt to the adoption (after 18 months of paperchasing and waiting). The grieving over the loss of our child was far worse than the diagnosis, 2 surgeries and chemo combined.

Healthwise, I am doing very well but often wonder if we should resume the adoption process again once we are authorized to do so by the authorities in China. Hearing your story and seeing the picture of your beautiful little boy makes me look forward to getting back on the adoption track.

Peace and Blessings,

11-08-2005, 06:29 PM
I did not include this in our story but the first time we tried gestational surrogacy we implanted three embryos and one split giving us quadruplets. At 21 weeks 2 days our surrogate experienced preterm labor and the babies were born and died on the same day. Our way of healing was to immediately find another surrogate and try it again. Our son was born almost one year later. I never thought we could get through the pain but our son has healed us in so many ways. He is the light of our lives. Life is so precious.