View Full Version : A Side Effect of Arimidex

10-03-2005, 01:08 AM
Dear All,

I am 'investigating' Arimidex on behalf of my mom.

A quick b/ground. She is 52 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in her left breast in november last year. She underwent a radical mastectory and underwent 6 months of chemo and then 5 weeks of radiation. 2 Months ago she was given the all clear.

She has been on Arimidex for a few months now and is suffering from terrible joint pain. So much so my step-dad has to help her up our of bed in the morning and she can no longer climb the stairs without considerable difficulty.

The doctors have not been able to ease this for her. What I wanted to ask is if there are any Ladies on this board who have also had a similar side effect from Arimidex and found something that eased the symptoms.

Any feedback would be appreciated.
Looby x

10-03-2005, 05:43 AM

I am 47 and also on arimidex and have the joint pain, the only thing that keeps it a a reasonable level is moderate weight bearing exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. eg. walking, or one of those elipitical stepping machines. I also try not to sit for long periods of time. eg. have to get up and move around every 45 minutes and not just sit at my desk all day. If I sit too long or stop exercising then the arthritis like symptoms get very painful.


10-03-2005, 09:53 AM
I had the same joint pains about 4 years ago. I took myself off the drug. Tamoxifen didn't have those same horrible pains. Although it might not be as effective, at least you don't feel arthritic. This is a common Armidex side effect.

Love and light,


10-03-2005, 01:37 PM
My mom has been taking Arimidex since May.. Had some lower back pain which went to her hip. SHe is on Aceteminophen w/codeine which makes her constipated. The onc didn' think Arimidex could do this although he originally prescribedAromasin because it would be "easier on her." Anyone found articles that cite how common this is?
Rich richreilly@hotmail.com

10-03-2005, 04:39 PM
I have been on Femara for 2 years. It causes joint pain, but I think it is supposed to be less than with Arimidex. I agree, exercise does wonder to reduce the pain, but the best for me has been Yoga!!! Although I only get to 1 class a week I have learned which stretches give me the most relief in the lower back and hips and I do them daily. Only takes 5-10 minutes and well worth it!


10-03-2005, 08:48 PM
I (age 55) have been on Arimidex for 2 1/2 years. I also had aches in the joints and ribs. I remember one time my onc said he thought the aches may subside over time, but even today I still have aches in the ribs, but nothing severe or uncomfortable.

I'm also very stiff. Have been since CEF chemo. I look really stiff and weird when I first attempt to walk in the morning. It takes a while to get things moving smoothly. After about 5 minutes or so, I am moving pretty well. This is common for me any time that I start to move about after I've been sitting or laying down.

I can't say at any time the pain was severe. So very thankful for that. When first starting Arimidex, myk onc also had me taking 400mg of Celebrex twice a day, which also would have made a differernce in what I felt for pain. I stopped taking that after the controversy about Celebrex and Viox. Plus, over time, the Celebrex brought about a lot of fatigue, which went away as soon as I stopped taking it.

Hope she gets to feelilng better. Maybe Aleve or Tylenol would help some. I take Tylenol on occassion. Blessings, Barbara2

10-04-2005, 01:03 AM
Thank you so much for your replies. I will pass them onto my mom.
Wishing you all well.