View Full Version : 3 weekly herceptin

10-02-2005, 08:21 PM
Australia gov has just approved 3 weekly herceptin which I will start this week ( have been on weekly for about 2 years and a few months . I will look at old messages but would appreciate any info on effectiveness, side effects etc v weekly.

Diane H
10-03-2005, 11:41 AM
Hi Linda, there is a thread in the clinical studies forum section, some info there

10-03-2005, 04:49 PM
Hi Linda, that's great news! I love 3 weekly, and felt absolutely no difference between the weekly and 3 weekly. I was kind of amazed at that, but that's the way it was for me, and it's so much more convenient. Good luck :)


10-03-2005, 06:42 PM
I just switched to the every 3 weeks. I had 12 weeklies and this Friday will be my second every 3 weeks.

There was no difference as far as the extremely mild side effects I get (slight headache, tired the next day (but not unduly so) and a runny nose).

Also, like Lolly said, it is nice to not have to be chained to the cancer center every week. I feel that if I travel my non herceptin weeks, I don't have to freak out about getting iced out of Newark airport this winter.

Warm regards


Diane H
10-03-2005, 07:19 PM
Forgot to add that I am loving the three week schedule too, I think I would have lost my mind and veins if I had to continue going every week. It's making a big difference in my outlook. Hugs, Diane

al from Canada
10-03-2005, 07:56 PM
My wife Linda is also on 3 x weekly herceptin. The only question I have about it is: you are getting 3 x the medicine so what about the unseen effects...... take your COQ10 as the FDA has admitted that it strengthens the cardio. Call it preventive medicine because the worse side effects are the ones you can't see.


10-04-2005, 03:25 PM
Thanks everyone for replies. I am looking forward to the freedom 3 weekly herceptin allows and as I am on xeloda as well it gives me heaps of freedom. I must say - and thius sounds weird I know- I will miss seeing my nurses each week. They are like coffee freinds and we laugh ( and sometimes cry ) together. Will have to adjust to not seeing them so often.

10-04-2005, 03:42 PM

I am using Co Q10 - 300mg per day (but I am only on Herceptin - no chemo). How much is recommended? Some studies go up to 400mg per day so I am not sure what to do.

Thank you in advance


PS - CT scans came out clean. Just got bone scan and waiting for the result.

10-04-2005, 05:53 PM
Becky there was an Italian study done with 400 mg taken first thing in the morning and they saw positive results in mets tumors. But I haven't seen any other information as to dosage other than that.