View Full Version : remember the "liver quiver" question?

09-30-2005, 01:34 PM
Can we revisit that. It is driving me crazy. I constantly feel something moving around under my right rib cage. Is this a sign of liver mets?

09-30-2005, 03:29 PM
I have liver mets. I have 2 spots. When they are active and show on ct scan I feel a fullness under my right rib cage. It is somewhat uncomfortable. I also have felt a throbbing like a baby kicking. I hope this helps you.

Continued Health!


10-01-2005, 01:16 PM
Beth, Are you on Herceptin? Some people think this may be from that.

10-01-2005, 01:43 PM
Yes I have been on Herceptin when I get the feeling of fullness. Are you early stage and looking for mets symptoms?


10-01-2005, 03:26 PM
Hi Beth. Thanks for responding. Yes, I am a scared to death early stager on Herceptin. This liver feeling drives me crazy. It's almost all of the time. I know that the Herceptin really makes a difference for the chances of mets, but I can't help being afraid. When this topic came up before I remember some saying they had no liver mets but did have the "baby kicking" feelings and there was some speculation it could be the Herceptin. I ask my onc. nurse and she said she had never (in 20 years) heard of it as a symptom, but of course I am still not satisfied. This is so hard!

10-02-2005, 08:14 AM
I know it's hard. I am sorry you are going thru this too. My best friend has liver mets also. She was dx early stage had masectomy, chemo (A/C) and rads.
She said the way she knew she had liver mets 9 months later was because she had a sharp pain in her side/chest and thought it was a gallbladder attack. Our onc does not scan after treatment for early stage as he considered her "cured". She said she just "knew". I hope this helps you. Are you going to get any type of follow up scans?


10-02-2005, 11:39 AM
Hi Beth,

Thanks again. I had a PET scan 2 months after my surgery. It was clear. I also had bone scan at time of dx. Also clear. I was stage 1, did AC x 4, Taxol + Herceptin weekly x 12, continuing Herceptin for at least 1 year, double masectomy, ovaries out, Arimidex. Nothing more I can do except figure out how to live with this fear and manage it. I'm sorry that you and your friend are both facing this too. Were you early stage too? And your friend was also stage 1? So hard.

10-02-2005, 11:53 AM
It sounds like you have whipped this thing! I really do understand the fear thing. But, I am almost 2 years into this and I feel really good and tell my onc I swear I don't have cancer. My friend was dx as stage 3. I was dx stage IV. That was really hard. I had a mamogram 1 year prior and an annual doctor exam and still didn't find it untill it was almost 5 cm and had spread. I was told because I was young the mamo didn't pick it up due to dense breasts. I wish I could help you not worry. Let me know if you have any
more questions about symptoms and I will try to help.

10-02-2005, 01:25 PM
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Often I don't feel I deserve to be encouraged by people who are so much braver and stronger than I am. God Bless you and keep you in His care. May we both whip this thing!