View Full Version : Some chemo tricks recently learned

09-23-2005, 08:16 PM
Hi All,

Thought I would share some chemo tricks we are using. Not sure if these have been shared before as we are realitively new but I thought we'd go ahead anyways.

We are in our second dose of Adriamycin and Cytoxin and so far haven't had any nausea. Knock wood. We believe that the trick is to eat 90 grams of protein per day, the standard no fresh fruit or veggies, and stay away from grease and fried items. The 90 grams of protein is the key. Second treatment we went with only a weak oral anti-nausea meds and had no nausea. (some of the strong anti-nausea meds cause sever headachs and Carole had severe ones after teh first treatment) I realize everyone is different but maybe this can help someone else as someone shared it with us and so far so good.

Another trick to use is to spray a simple saline solution in the nose. This helps with the sinus problems.

Finally, prior to the hair falling out we felt it was better to shave it close (can't completely shave it due to the potential nicking). When the head starts to hurt from the hair falling out then shave it close again. This reduced the pain on the scalp significantly.

While receiving the Adriamycin Carole chewed ice (or had ice in the mouth for you dentists out their) So far no soreness in the mouth.

Good luck to all,
