View Full Version : Leaps of faith in the future....

09-19-2005, 02:15 PM
I have mets to my liver and bones, which at the moment, are NED. My husband and I just took a leap of faith and purchased a new Motorhome. A 2005 Fleetwood class A 31.5 ft motorhome. We just took it out for the first time this past week-end.

We are taking a leap of faith in that:

1) I'll be here for a long time to enjoy the new motorhome.
2) My hubbie will not be left alone with the motorhome with noone to travel with.

Here's to many new enjoyable trips in the future!

09-19-2005, 05:01 PM
Esther, What a great thing to do! I think this is will be one of the most positive "treatments" you have decided on. I know faith is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer. You will be having too much fun to get sick!This is my husband's dream, too, and we hope to go for it soon. I will be interested in hearing about your trips! Hugs, Tricia

09-20-2005, 11:24 AM
Well, Esther -
You just keep chalking up those new "firsts" in your life.
What next - skydiving??
I remember when I decided I was probalby not going to relapse in a serious way - when you come to that realization, it is really freeing.
Allowed me to spruce up my wardrobe and not feel I had to save money for my funeral or EOL care.
Once you decide to "go for it" you really go back to life more like you knew it before the dangblasted diagnosis.

Just don't get lost someplace or stuck on a road that is too windy to get back down in your new "turtle shell."