View Full Version : supplements

09-08-2005, 02:49 PM
I was speaking with an oncologist yesterday about suppplements and she brought up same great points of concern. While there are some very good ones out there each brand can differ dramatically. As a result, it's hard to know exactly what you are putting into your body. Her recommendation and the one that I want to pass along, is to please make sure that you have your doctor review everything that you take. She shared stories of "innocent supplements" having steroids and other components that could be very damaging over time.

Please use caution.

Warmest regards,

al from canada
09-08-2005, 02:53 PM
That's great advice Eric, "buyer beware"! I'm sure this applies to most things but even more important with bio-active purchases.

Sandy H.
09-08-2005, 06:23 PM
I hear what you both are saying but too bad that didn't apply to all the toxic drugs we are given to battle this disease and in many cases they are the ones that due us in. Sorry, if I sound negative but think about it. Which is worse? I don't believe there is a supplement on the market that can do us as much harm as chemo drugs! I know the question here is they can infere with our treatments. That is why one needs to use a consultant whose job is researching the supplements that can be taken while a patient is in treatment. The oncologist will say don't take any supplements because they do not have the time to do the necessary research nor do they have the time to even talk to the patient about them. They are paid by the hospital to use toxic drugs which provides them with income. I have family members who are nurses so I am not talking through my hat. I think the doctors work very hard to treat us the best they can with what they have to work with and are trained to do. My oncologist is very up front about what he is allowed to do and can't do. He says the bureaucrats drive him crazy!! I admire him for being honest. Enough said as I am sure I have not made any friends with this posting. I do enjoy your posting Eric and Al and you are right on with good information so keep it coming. Sending you all a hug and a smile. Sandy

09-08-2005, 09:41 PM
Sandy...FRIENDS for LIFE!!!! I agree and second every word you said!! I have personally tested hundreds of supplements and all kinds of wild and crazy food or food like items and have found nothing but positive results. Sure, you need to READ, READ, READ and use a light hand, don't over do or over MIX, but finding a good regimen for yourself is crucial to keep healthy enough-- if for nothing else, but to be able to handle all the truly poison "stuff" (herceptin excluded) that the oncs throw at us. It is also true that sometimes, just when I find something that really works for me (I'm thinking now of the SUPERB Solgar 25,000 IU vitamin A and 1000 IU vitamin D mixed in fish and safflower oil in one little fabulous gel pill that I took for years with fabulous results), they take it off the market, or worse, yet, NEW and IMPROVE it....sighh. Eric, to be safe, just try one thing at a time, and try not to do more than 5 or 6 supplements at a time. The best rule of thumb is try something for at least a week or so and notice how it makes you feel...if it gives you any improvement, real or perceived benefit, continue with it and move on and add something else. If you give it a fair try and find no noticeable or measurable benefit, don't waste your money, and for heaven's sake, if you try it and it makes you worse (unless of course, it is something like Olive leaf which can produce a stong and sometimes worrisome healing reaction), stop it immediately. Keep in mind, too, that many of the best herbs and supplements truly work behind the scenes to keep your blood levels strong and your energy good. Of course, you can always run your plan by your onc, but don't be surprised if they just say no, no, and no. Also, some supplements are more risky than others. Co-Q 10, for instance, which does seem to have fairly well supported and documented benefits, especially for congestive heart failure, should never be discontinued COLD TURKEY for any reason, due to its subtle but vital influence on the heart. If you need to go off of it for surgery or some scan or something, buy a bottle of your brand in 30mg capsules and then gradually wean yourself off of it lessening the dose, 30mg at a time, just to be safe. There are other sups out there that should be used with a grain of INTELLIGENCE, but overall, and I, personally, have tested so many alone and in so MANY various combinations, by and large, anything that is food-based is nothing compared to what you are getting in the ONC chair...FYI, Gina

Sandy H.
09-09-2005, 01:35 PM
Thanks Gina, just a follow up on this. I saw the oncologist today and he said I am lab queen because I have NEVER had any problems with my blood. Never had to have any shots. He said this is unheard of. I do give him a list of what I take with every change. Dated and my consultant's name is on it. I have been in and out of chemo 6 times!! He knows I do supplements, and try to drink lots of water and eat well. He says he knows very little about supplements but trusts me in taking them on my own. I do lots of them and only through an R.N. consultant who researches according to whether I am in or out of treatment. I don't feel I have the time to do it on my own and I do not have a license to get some of the information she can get directly from the docs and manufactures. She will first call and they think she is a lay person, some times she says she knows she is not getting good info and that she is a license person, they gave her different info. She then tells them she will not do business with them. This depends on many things, she looks for quality, natural, processing, as well as price. Yes, there is lots of false information and advertising to make money. Its a hard thing to decide which ones to take or not to take. I am thankful I don't have to do it on my own. I wish you you all the best. Hugs, Sandy

09-09-2005, 09:15 PM
Dear sandy
Which supplements do you take.

Sandy H.
09-10-2005, 06:35 PM
Linda if you will send me your e-mail I will send you a copy of what I take. mine is sanhenry@prexar.com Sandy

09-17-2005, 05:37 AM

Send me the onc's fax number and I will fax over one or two binders full of my equally perfect blood work...SAME as yours...perfect nearly every time and I take absolutely nothing but herceptin and my regimen and as you know, I take as little of the herceptin as I can get by with.... It can be done folks...if you are hesitant to try it on your own, do as Sandy did and get a professional involved who KNOWS what he or she is doing..."Let thy food be thy medicine" --Hippocrates

Also, Sandy thanks for your forthrightness!!! I guess you can tell, I appreciate candid and direct communication giggle, giggle...Take care, Gina