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09-08-2005, 01:55 AM
hello everyone:

I just had a quick question. My mother just started Navelbine 8 weeks ago on a weekly basis with one week (after 3 weeks) of respite for a total of 6 Navelbine treatements and 8 Herceptin treatments. She is curently experiencing quite a lot of pain throughout her body -> back, legs, feet, hands even nails everywhere from the neck down - the pain was bad enough for her to contemplate going to emergency. Please if anyone has experienced this with the above combo , Id like to tell my mom that this is normal with the regime she is taking...oh btw she just had a clear bone scan 2 weeks ago and Tylenol seems to have some effect on the pain..

Could this be because she hasnt slept for 2 nights?

Thank you

All your help is very greatly appreciated


09-08-2005, 06:37 AM
I was on Navelbine/Herceptin Oct & Nov '02 for just a bit over two
months: 3wks on/1 wk off. My mets were to mediastinal node/s, spot on
pelvis, spot on lung. In just that time, follow-up scans came back
clear. Never has shown up in body (knock wood) again, just brain.

With the first two infusions I had what we've called 'ping-
pong' pains. Sharp short-lived pains that jump all over trunk area for
the first two days...about. Also sharp jaw ache for 30 mins then 10 mins
after 2nd round.

However, I had pain in arm severe enough to get checked out for a possible blood clot. It wasn't and remained a 'mystery' pain. It lasted for about 2 or 3 weeks, gradually getting 'better'.

I also had an UTI that didn't respond to first anti-biotic but went to kidney. THAT sent me to emergency from the excruciating pain...

I do know other gals have had more varied experiences with pain from Navelbine... But, still it would most likely be a good idea to talk to onc to relieve fears/get checked out for other causes.

Very best to you and your mom,

al from canada
09-08-2005, 01:34 PM
Hi Shahyan,
I would think that a large percentage of women are on narcotic pain-killers. I would hazard to guess that a fair percentage of those are being treated not for cancer related pain but treatment related pain.
Linda has experienced the type of pain you describe for all her chemos, AC, taxol, herceptin + navelbine, herceptine + xeloda, neupogen.
I hope this helps,