View Full Version : NEED HELP - Missed herceptin for Katrina survivors

09-05-2005, 01:45 PM
I'm writing on behalf of Marcia (Soccermom1955). She lives in S Mississippi and is currently living in a hotel in FL, unsure of when she'll be able to return home.

She finished A/C and T at the end of May. She and her oncologist had decided this summer to add herceptin after the trials closed with the great evidence. She started weekly herceptin in August. She had just finished her 4th treatment (of 52 planned) the week before the hurricane.

She doesn't know when she'll be able to get her next treatment. Her question is, do any of you think there will be an impact on her by missing several weeks of treatment? How important is it that she try to figure out a way to get it ASAP? I know it's not as important as missing a "normal" chemo treatment, but what are everyone's thoughts?

Thanks in advance - Rose

michele u
09-05-2005, 04:47 PM
I'm looking to help someone get to their tx's. How are yo in contact with her? I would love to talk with her and offer her a place to stay and get her tx's

09-05-2005, 07:31 PM
Michelle - You are so sweet! I have her email, but she also posts on the FORCE web site a lot (she has dial up at her hotel, and actually has had a few offers for help). I just found out from an earlier post that she is going to get an infusion later this week in Panama City, which is only 40 minutes away from where she is now. So it shouldn't be too big of a deal then, since she only missed 2 weeks of tx?

http://www.facingourrisk.org/messageboard/...t=11315&start=0 (http://www.facingourrisk.org/messageboard/viewtopic.php?t=11315&start=0)

09-06-2005, 12:36 PM
Thanks for passing on the info on Marcia, Roze.

If she has only missed 2 weekly treatments. They may not want to redo the loading dose.

There is an overlap in the breakdown time of the drug which is more than a week, so hopefully all will be well.
So glad she has gotten connected with a friendly clinic!

09-07-2005, 08:57 PM
Hi girls!
Just two more cents; sometimes when I am going to be out of town, my oncologist gives me a double dose; so some months i have gotten two double doses instead of 4 weekly ones; so I wonder if they can do the same for Marcia..?
Love Kim from CT

09-08-2005, 10:37 PM
My two cents is she should be ok. I take it only once every 6 weeks. FYI, Gina