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View Full Version : arimidex weight gain

08-25-2005, 09:35 AM
Hi everyone,

Has anyone experienced weight gain on arimidex? or any other side effects other than bone pain? how well have you tolerated it?

08-25-2005, 11:10 AM
Linda, I have never taken Arimidex myself, but I have had Femara, Faslodex, and then now Aromasin. I am not sure, if weight gain would indicate an allergy to Arimidex. However, it is known that our metabolism level would go lower while on hormonals, which means that it would be much more easy to gain weight & that much harder to lose weight. Low metabolism is one common result of being in menopause. Have you ever tried exercfise? If that still doesn't work, I would go talk to my onc about this.

08-25-2005, 12:25 PM
Actually, weight gain was not an issue with me. I discussed this with my onco and gyno who both said that it is the aging process and hence lower metabolism that causes weight gain. Unfortunately, menopause coincides with this.

Even if you google menopause or oophorectomy (ovary removal) and add in weight gain - it is not a cause of weight gain and age is reported for weight gain.

I did not gain weight but did switch from walking to jogging.

Have some bone pain (really joint).

Warm regards


08-25-2005, 03:18 PM
Thanks for the replies.... I'm going to speak with my onc about this. I'm just battling the weight thing. I've been jogging and don't seem to shed a pound. It's so frustrating! I'm also very fatigued from Tamoxifen and all I want to do is sleep so excersizing is always a chore. I'm currently only about 10lbs overweight. I've changed my menu completely as well. Primarily vegetarian now and nothing fried. blah.... I used to be a carbs person big time! I do believe that it's an age thing. I just think that maybe all this chemo and other medications we've been on just sped up the process unfortunatley.
thanks again for your input.

08-26-2005, 05:27 AM
My Mom was on Arimidex after years of Tamoxifen...she was only on it for 2 months...her blood sugar was out of control...she gained 8 pounds, and had terrible joint pain and cramps in her legs....she is now off it and feeling much better.