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View Full Version : Rhinitis from Herceptin

08-23-2005, 11:01 AM
One of you ladies talked to Genentech and found out that 14% of all Herceptin users develop Rhinitis, inflammation of the nasal tissues. Since I'm neve anything but in the minority, I'm one of those people.

I just read that continued Rhinitis can lead to asthma. Great. So has anyone with this sniffly problem found something that helps?

Love and light,


08-23-2005, 01:28 PM
I am the one with the sniffles who called Geneotech. I have not found any remedies other than a tissue. I suppose allergy medications would work but I do not want the sedation so I just deal with it.

08-23-2005, 01:50 PM
One tiny 24-hour Claritan over-the-couner pill does it for me! I was not only having the constantly dripping nose but also an irritating cough. I can tell withing half an hour when it is time for the next Claritan. It doesn't make me drowzy either. But of course it may not work the same for everyone! Hope it works for you! Hugs, Tricia

08-24-2005, 04:43 PM
Hi - I am so glad you mentioned this. I was having nose problems and swore it was Herceptin but no one could clarify. This was after I did research on nose cancer!! (or mets to the nose- just kidding). It has bothered me alot. Ayr nasal gel helps alot.


*_kirsten in NY_*
08-25-2005, 11:55 AM
I just had my 3rd Herceptin infusion and I've been thinking this was sinus stuff due to living in the northeast. I've been taking a prescription Clarinex and one Sudafed in the mornings. Nights are miserable....drip drip drip and one side stuffed then the other.

08-25-2005, 05:18 PM
Lisa..sniff sniff

I have had the same problem for 2 1/2 years...I have found that the clarinex helps, and if it really gets bad I switch to Singulair, which is by prescription....the mornings seem to be the worst for me....and any time I bend over the old nose just starts running....seems like when I'm free from wiping my nose, my eyes start tearing....I guess its just another benefit of our journey....
Hope this helps

08-25-2005, 05:19 PM
Lisa..sniff sniff

I have had the same problem for 2 1/2 years...I have found that the clarinex helps, and if it really gets bad I switch to Singulair, which is by prescription....the mornings seem to be the worst for me....and any time I bend over the old nose just starts running....seems like when I'm free from wiping my nose, my eyes start tearing....I guess its just another benefit of our journey....
Hope this helps

Bonnie T
08-26-2005, 05:55 PM
Nasonex is a prescrpition nasal spray that has helped me. It takes awhile to work and you should take it every day. I also have allergies so when it gets really bad I use Allegra D.
Bonnie T

08-29-2005, 12:05 PM
As for Lisa's question about rhinitis leading into asthma ...

I have had asthma symptoms in the past from airborne pollens, dust etc. I took a round of allergy shots and that was in the early '90's, well before my cancer showed up.

Those symptoms went away, and I have been doing much better on the allergy front.

ALLERGIC RHINITIS can lead to asthma as in my case. But, if it is only a little Herceptin causing the running nose, I can't see that leading to the wheezing and tight chest of asthma. Especially if the patient is taking some kind of pill or spray to dry up the sinuses and stop the post-nasal drip that will irritate the throat and bronchial areas.

My main concern with the asthma problem was to try to control it WITHOUT taking a steroid-containing med. I was able to do that.