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View Full Version : Whooping It Up in Seattle

08-14-2005, 05:04 AM
In response to our request, Frank, Lolly's husband, was able to put some faces to the names of the staff members at the U of Washington vaccine studies group. Many of our members who have participated in the Phase I clinical trials will recognize Doreen Higgins and Dr. Devon Webster.


Lolly, Nurse Doreen Higgins and Dr. Devon Webster flash the "V" sign.


Doreen and Dr. Webster

We wish to thank Lolly and Frank for supplying these pictures. Any one else who would like to submit pictures, please email them to me with a short description.

Pictures can be of Medical staff, caregivers, pets, grandchildren, vacations etc.

Warmest Regards

08-14-2005, 11:04 AM
Thanks for the pics!

I remember meeting Dr. Webster at the Her2support booth in San Antonio last Dec. She was with Dr. Lupe Salazar and was quite interested in what we were doing with this web site and the networking we had going on here.

I am just waiting for one more barrier to be lifted for me to join one of those vaccine trials here!

08-15-2005, 07:16 AM

You look terrific! Always bright and shiny. Thanks for the pics.

Love and light,
