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08-06-2005, 11:17 PM
I was so grateful to hear sooo many wonderful birthday messages. . You would think I'd like to ijust skip that date in time, but I am happy to be here to enjoy every birthday in your company on-line.
Surviving Stage 4 and brain metastases not only strengthened my resolve to live, but also inspired me to seek out a platform where I and all you wonderful woman can go to get your help and support,from our info pages, team support on all our message boards. Giving you these tools can help build confidence and also enlighten you to make some very important difficult decisions

My Birthday Wish is to lead every one of you to the pathway of your survival.

I am grateful to be alive and look forward to hearing more positive thouhts and ideas for the future.

Hugs and Hearts.....Christine

08-07-2005, 05:58 AM

Have a great birthday and many, many more. How fulfilling it must be for you (and Joe) each day and each year to know that you have made such a wonderful difference in so many lives.

Thanks for everything.


08-07-2005, 09:58 AM
It's been such a hectic pass few days...I forgot to send you my warmest regards and best wishes for another wonderful year full of good fortune and good health.

08-07-2005, 10:13 AM

Have the most wonderful birthday. I send the gift of thanks to you and Joe. This support group is the best ever. I know you have made a huge difference (in just a few months) in my life. It is nice to have so many people come together to truly help one another with not only their experiences but also with the research we all independently do to help ourselves and each other. For so long I thought I was the only one who was trying to "cure myself" since there are so many shortcomings in the medical community, especially in regard to HER 2. It is nice to know that the things I am experiencing have been experienced by others and they can help me and in turn, I can pay forward their favors. I am hoping to be around a long time to help the newbies on what treatment was like in the "old days" when we had to fight for our Herceptin. And perhaps, there will be no newbies because of vaccinations and medications that prevent this from happening in the first place.

Happy Birthday,


08-07-2005, 08:06 PM
Happy Birthday Christine!
This message board has been my constant source of reliable information, emotional support and decision making wisdom since I was diagnosed this past March. Because of it I am receiving Herceptin right on schedule. I guess you could say that because of this board my chances of disease free survival have doubled because of you. This is quite a gift to give to a perfect stranger. I know my story is one of many, many more. The future looks promising for Breast Cancer patients. My prayer is that we will see a cure that affects all patients, whatever stage, however long having lived with it. I know I can check here everyday for what is new and count on finding it here. Thank you and God Bless You!

08-09-2005, 08:10 AM
Happy belated birthday Christine! I'm with you, a birthday is a cause for celebration, we made it another year!

Thanks for all you and Joe do, you turned a personal situation into a venue to help countless others in a frightening time.