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08-02-2005, 08:54 PM
Just wondering if anyone else is taking darvoset for pain with taxol and herceptin following mastectomy. I've been taking it fairly regularly since surgery, thru a/c and neupogen and now taxol and herceptin. I didn't take today just to see how I felt without, and really had aches across surgery site, upper back and where one of my drain lines was positioned. I had asked surgeon about this place in particular before and he said it was nerve damage. My surgery was Feb 16. Should I really be feeling this achey?I am working full time, two kids yada yada, but worry that I should need these pain meds now. Onc is prescribing, not surgeon.


08-02-2005, 10:22 PM
Sassy, you're right to be concerned; Darvocet is addictive and when you stop it suddenly your aches and pains will be amplified; it's sort of a boomerang effect. After my mastectomy I was prescribed a 10 day supply and advised to try to take it only at night towards the end of my supply, substituting Tylenol during the day. That seemed to work ok, and then I was able to gradually wean myself off of Tylenol as the nerves injured during the surgery healed. Everyone is different, and will heal differently, so be patient with yourself but seriously consider talking to your onc or primary care physician about some alternatives to using Darvocet any longer. I don't mean to sound like an alarmist but it can be a dangerous drug.

The pain from Taxol is also nerve pain, but can be relieved with a drug called Neurontin combined with, again, Tylenol. At least, that's what my onc prescribed for me and it was pretty effective.

Hope this helps, keep us posted what your doctors say about a change...


08-03-2005, 03:56 AM
Thanks for your reply, I Will talk to my onc. You suggest Tylenol, and I have seen others mention Tylenol for pain. Is it preferable over ibuprofen? In the past I have had better luck with ibuprofen over Tylenol for minor aches, etc. I would like to hear from others about their experience with Taxol/Herceptin pain and side effects.


08-03-2005, 08:43 AM
Sassy, I know Tylenol is preferred by some docs since aspirin, ibuprofen and other's in that class of drug can irritate the stomach lining and lessen the blood's clotting ability. But, ibuprofen and such do work better for some people, so you just have to talk to your docs and see what they recommend based on your history.


08-03-2005, 09:40 AM

I have been taking Morphine Sulfate (15mg) once a day for months now. Before that I was taking it twice a day. I had no trouble cutting down, and believe I'd have none if I were to stop. I have no side effects that I'm aware of.

I did some research on painkillers prior to this and discovered that Morphine is actually much better on your liver than OTC drugs. It works for me.

Love and light,


08-03-2005, 11:39 AM
Sassy, I had posted a few days ago regarding pain with Herceptin and several other Herceptin patients (as well as myself) do have pain in the surgical areas once they started Herceptin. Pain in the surgical area is a Herceptin side effect. I have jabbing pains in the surgical area and the pain only started when I began the Herceptin. Sometimes I have to look at my breast to make sure there isn't a thorn in my bra!

I know a lumpectomy is nothing compared to the mastectomy, but my excised area is more painful now than when I had my lumpectomy in Sept '04. Lets just say, I hardly felt the lumpectomy.

This may not help you with your current pain dilemma, but Herceptin may contribute to the problem as well as what your surgeon says is nerve damage. I get Herceptin every 3 weeks... You?


08-03-2005, 05:33 PM

I get Taxol/Herceptin, Benadryl, a Steroid, two extra strength Tylenol, Zantac and one other anti-nausea at my weekly chemo treatments. I did have a modified radical mst with 5 of 14 positive nodes removed. Plus, I am 46 and now going thru menopause. SOOOO, not really sure what to expect or to feel. I do not feel that I need more pain medication, but perhaps the Darvoset is either more than I need or the wrong drug. I have typically had a very high tolerance for pain, so I think the Darvoset is overkill and I want to try to back off to something less. I had been taking 3 darvoset a day (about 5 hours apart) so today I took one in the morning, advil mid day and one darvoset evening. So far I have had no more pain or discomfort that before. I'll continue this for a few days then switch either morning or evening to advil. I understand stopping Darvoset cold would not be a good idea. Eventually I'll switch only to advil or tylenol which I will discuss with my onc.

Thanks for your help...have Faith.

08-05-2005, 09:40 PM
Don't discount Morphine Sulphate strictly because it's a scary, addictive sounding drug. Remember that it is EASIER on your liver and stomach than Tylenol or other OTC. And I have never had any problems, including addiction with it. When you talk to your doc, why not ask?

I take only a small amount, 15 mg., each morning. I used to take it a.m. and p.m., but switched to a.m. only with no ill effects.

Love and light,
