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View Full Version : Herceptin alone and low blood counts?

08-02-2005, 02:59 PM
I have been on Herceptin since 7June 05...I get it every three weeks. My white and red blood counts continue to go down. I also am getting the tired ran down feeling again. I was wondering if any one else has had this? If so did your doctor give you something for it? Any help would be great.


08-02-2005, 07:47 PM
I have been getting Herceptin every three weeks for 9 months. I always take a Centrum vitamin daily and have added a B-Complex daily.
When my red counts are down, which is seldom, I get an Aranespt injection into my IV.
My whites have been fine.
I think it is very important to follow a healthy diet.
Denise in PA

08-03-2005, 07:15 AM
Thank you so much for the info! I go Friday for my next one. I will talk to my docotr again. So far he says it is not the Herceptin lowering my blood counts. But that is all that I am getting right now. I think it is to early to say for sure. Thanks again!


08-04-2005, 01:48 AM
One of Herceptin's side effects is lowering the blood counts. My WBC is going down but still on the low end of the normal range (was on the higher side of the middle). I have been on Herceptin since June 17.


08-04-2005, 07:08 AM
Thanks for letting me know. I don't know what they will do once it drops. But the tired feeling is getting me the most. Hang in there! TO

08-04-2005, 04:36 PM
Try eating non-fat cottage cheese, peanut butter on crackers or toast, tuna or salmon salad on crackers, any type of high protein food as a snack between meals. My nurses told me about this when my counts were low from chemo, and while I did end up having to take Arenesp to actually bring the counts up, the protein snacks helped right away with the low-energy thing.


08-04-2005, 05:30 PM

I have been on Herceptin since June 2004 and have started my second year last month. My white count has never been normal on Herceptin and my red counts are at the bottom end of normal and occassionally slip below normal. I have had only one virus during this time so apparently I am doing well with a low white blood count. I do take supplemnts to enhance my immune system and try to eat food high in iron such as clams, spinach and some beans. My oncologist is not worried as I have done well and he approved a second year of Herceptin even though I am only Stage 2B.

08-05-2005, 05:34 AM
Thank you! I will try your advice! T.O.

08-05-2005, 05:36 AM
That is great to be able to continue for a second year! Thanks for your info and advice....gives me hope! Take care! T.O.

08-09-2005, 11:19 PM
Hello -
Sorry to hear that your blood counts are low and distressing.
This is not something that I am familiar with as I got Herceptin as part of a group of drugs to fight of stage IV mets.
Then once I had "no evidence of disease" have been on the Herceptin alone for over 3 years.
No problem with my blood counts, either one of them or neutraphils.

This problem as a side effect has not been really brought up on this board before that I can recall. There are quite abunch of us here who get Herceptin on a long-term basis to keep out mets at bay and this has not been the complaint.

I suspect that the low counts is a holdover from the chemo, which can take a while to get over.

08-10-2005, 05:10 PM
Thank you so much for your info! My doctor plans to only do the Hecrceptin for one year. I also am starting to think it is a delayed reaction to the chemo, radiation, and surgery. Time will tell as they say. Take care! TO

08-10-2005, 11:31 PM
I am VERY interested in this discussion of Blood cell counts and the continued or long-term use of Herceptin as it is not a discussion that often comes up. Here is just my take on it. I have been using Herceptin alone off and on since early 1999, and YES, I do find that it CAN lower both WBC's and RBC's and cause some tiredness (but NOTHING comparable to true "chemo" sighhh). But I have also found that diet is extremely helpful in resolving both issues. Try adding ZINC -rich foods such as lamb and oysters to your diet to raise the Lymphs...and INCREASE your energy...another GREAT trick is to buy some baby diaper rash DESITIN 40% Zinc Oxide cream and put it on your feet every night till your energy increases...and your white counts get better. Sounds silly, but so MANY cancer patients rely on this little trick. For the RBC's, I have found nothing simpler nor more effective than drinking one 6 to 8 ounce glass of WELCHES regular (do NOT get Calcium added new kind) PURPLE grape juice each morning, prior to my regular supplemental regimen and breakfast. (Try to eat / drink fruit apart from other food groups because of the fementation thing in the gut..fyi...) Cheers, Gina

08-10-2005, 11:32 PM
I am VERY interested in this discussion of Blood cell counts and the continued or long-term use of Herceptin as it is not a discussion that often comes up. Here is just my take on it. I have been using Herceptin alone off and on since early 1999, and YES, I do find that it CAN lower both WBC's and RBC's and cause some tiredness (but NOTHING comparable to true "chemo" sighhh). But I have also found that diet is extremely helpful in resolving both issues. Try adding ZINC -rich foods such as lamb and oysters to your diet to raise the Lymphs...and INCREASE your energy...another GREAT trick is to buy some baby diaper rash DESITIN 40% Zinc Oxide cream and put it on your feet every night till your energy increases...and your white counts get better. Sounds silly, but so MANY cancer patients rely on this little trick. For the RBC's, I have found nothing simpler nor more effective than drinking one 6 to 8 ounce glass of WELCHES regular (do NOT get Calcium added new kind) PURPLE grape juice each morning, prior to my regular supplemental regimen and breakfast. (Try to eat / drink fruit apart from other food groups because of the fementation thing in the gut..fyi...) Cheers, Gina

08-11-2005, 08:50 AM
Hi! Thank you so much for your input! It is very helpful! I will try the Desitin and Welches. I am allergic to seafood. Glad to know someone else has the tired feeling as well. Take care and thanks again! TO