View Full Version : liver mets

08-02-2005, 11:13 AM
I know this question has been asked many times, but, I have a pain in my right side above the pelvis. I am due for a CAT so I called my onc's office to get it quick. Other than that, I feel wonderful, not an ache or pain in my body, no fatigue, no joint pains, nothing. Any comments?

08-02-2005, 11:51 AM
Your liver is up some. Feel your right rib cage under your breast. The liver is just to the left and under where it curves back to the right. The other lobe is in the same place on the left side. I've occasionally had little shooting pains in my affected right lobe. Also when it was heavily "metted", I had pain in my back under my right shoulder blade.

I'm no doc, but yours doesn't sound like liver mets. Sure hope not.

Love and light,


08-02-2005, 03:45 PM
I had lung and liver mets at the same time, so I am not sure what pain was which. Like Lisa I had the pain in my back under my right shoulder. Before it became a true pain, I always felt like I needed to scratch that spot and couldn't scratch hard or deep enough. I also had a pain under the rib cage - sort of like menstrual cramps but higher. I actually went to the hospital nearly eight months prior to the actual fear of relapse thinking I was having kidney stones. Unfortunately, I did not put two and two together sooner. Get your scan and then you can sleep peacefully. Good luck and God Bless.

08-02-2005, 07:51 PM
After my liver showed as NED, I would still sometimes get pains in that area. When my liver was 1/5 involved with cancer, I had no pains at all. The only thing that we could figure out was the fact that I have uterine fibroids and they might be causing the pains. The pains eventually quit-works for me!
Denise in PA

08-03-2005, 12:51 PM
I also had extensive liver mets. Had NO pain until about 60% of my liver was affected. Then I got a "side ache" which was just above my waist on my right side. I did not have pain higher up as some others have reported.
Maybe where we feel our pain or discomfort depends on the location of the mets (I had one as big as my fist in that lower right area) and perhaps our physique. I have a smallish rib cage and am a little on the short-waisted side.
My med onc said the pain was from my liver being inflammed and pushing on the sac that contains it under my lower ribs. I felt nothing on my left side or center of abdoman where I also had another fist-sized tumor.

Best of luck that it will turn out to be a bowel or other simple problem.