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08-02-2005, 08:17 AM
I just picked this book up at the library yesterday and it is really good. It reads like a mystery novel. I highly recommend it--I am on page 57. So intersting to read as I begin Herceptin next week.

The Making of Herceptin
A Revolutionary Treatment
For Breat Cancerr
HER-2 (actual name of the book)

by Robert Bazell

08-02-2005, 08:18 AM
Sorry, I should have posted that this is copyrighted 1998. And just think, we are still having to beg for it!

08-02-2005, 03:14 PM
Finished the book about two weeks ago. It makes me appreciate what the researchers and other women who have gone on before us went thru to bring this drug to the benefit of us now. We could have easily missed the opportunity to have the chance that herceptin is giving us now.

I recommend it to all her2 gals.


08-02-2005, 03:36 PM
This book can be purchased on Amazon. Used copies are less than $5.00.

Barbara Bradfield and Ginger Empey who are both mentioned in the book are long time members of the HER2 Support Group. Both are truly pioneers who have helped pave the way for all women who are on Herceptin.

Interestingly, Ginger's oncologist is still Dr. Slamon who sees her for regular follow ups. She is also an active speaker with the Jonnson Cancer
Center in Los Angeles and speaks before bc support groups about the importance of participating in clinical trials.

Also, Ginger is celebrating her 10th year on Herceptin later this month and I would like to propose that we all send her congratuatory emails on the 31st of August.

If there is enough interest, we will publish her email address.

Well wishes to all,

*_Sandy H._*
08-03-2005, 05:35 AM
Joe, think that would be a great idea! Sandy

08-03-2005, 01:02 PM
If Ginger is agreeable, I think it would be a great tribute to celebrate her 'birthday."

I also found this book when I was at a low point with my cancer in Jan. 2002. I had raging liver mets and was starting a clinical trial that was so new there was no data on success. It was my only "option" as standard treatment was not in the cards for me.
I was looking for something that would tell me that I might have a chance to live, as my med onc was not very hopeful that we could stop the cancer as it came back so fast and furiously.
That book was a big morale booster for me. I wanted to hug and kiss the author for putting it out!

Everyone on Herceptin can benefit from reading it. I have actually reread it and got some more details that I missed the first time.