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View Full Version : taxotere and making it through, anyone stop early?

Diane H
08-01-2005, 04:10 PM
I've one more taxotere to go and thinking of not doing it, neuropathy has gotten increasingly bad and I am afraid of permanent damage - any input appreciated. Can they reduce dosage, does that help?

08-01-2005, 05:35 PM
Hi! My advice is to do it, absolutely. The side effects disappear after a month or two and I would try to get the most you can from the chemo.

08-01-2005, 05:48 PM
I am sure there are some here more knowldegeable than I, but one of the women on a list said that she was warned the side effects could be permanent. She is taking a drug to combat the side effects and it is working very well. Neurontin, I believe it is. They also reduced the dosage of Taxol by 20%.
Have they offered you a drug for side effects? I start on Taxol next week so please post how it goes.

al from canada
08-01-2005, 06:28 PM

Are you taking any vitamin B-6 for the neuopathy because it helps.

Depending on the number of doses: 6 or less total: I would take the last one. 12 or more: skipping probably won't make much difference.

Remember that the doses and schedule we are on were the result of trials where the base lines were probably pulled out of a hat....especially # of treatments. The other option is take a 50% dose: it will reduce the side effects and still have theraputic value.
Good luck,

08-01-2005, 07:49 PM
I did 6 rounds of dose dense Taxotere, Epirubicin & Cytoxan (TEC) and I won't lie I got neuropathy in my hands and feet. My last dose was on 5/18 and I still have the effects but, in my opinion, I would rather the neuropathy than the alternative.

Diane H
08-01-2005, 07:51 PM
Thanks to all for the good advice, I think maybe I will ask to lower the dose some, Al's advice using number of treatments to decide seems good to me. I am on a four treatment schedule for the taxotere. My doc seemed to feel that the B6 wouldn't help but I don't see why I shouldn't try it, can't hurt me. I am always so grateful for the support I receive at this site, wishing everyone speedy and complete healing, Diane

Susan M (PA)
08-01-2005, 11:18 PM

I did 4 rounds of Taxotere and Adriamycin pre lumpectomy in 2002 .
No neuropathy that time.
Large mass, negative lymph nodes, but showed tiny nodes in lungs too small for biopsy.
CT was clear before surgery, but followed with the plan...
Surgery followed by 4 of Taxotere along with 34 rads.
This dose of Taxotere was double the first four rounds.
I begged off at two weeks due to severe neuropathy, but doc insisted on continuing, but agreed to halve the dose.
I did take Oxycontin, but it didn't help much enough. Like you I was
concerned with permanent damage in my case related to another chronic illness. The neuropathy disappeared very soon after stopping the Taxotere. Followed this with six months of Herceptin.
Then I was OK for the next year.
Started with a cough spring 2004, lungs showed a few tiny nodes,
positive biopsy in Dec 2004.
Navelbine/Herceptin Jan-June 2005
June 2005 chest/ab CT clear, on Herceptin indefinitely.

Note: I understand neuropathy is still a problem with Abraxane,
but not permanent problems, the symptoms disappeared within 45 days
in trial patients.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I got this info from an oncology nurse.

Hang in if you can, discuss the odds of permanent damage, and pain relief.


08-02-2005, 05:16 AM
Just my two sense...I've been on Taxotere along with Carboplaten and Herceptin for 10 months now. My nails are to the skin, but I would rather deal with this then not being able to deal at all. I have done very well with my treatments, as I am once again in remission. I will continue on with treatments until they don't work anymore. Not to be taken in any disrespectful way, but I can't see not taking one more treatment because of a few nails. You've come this far - don't undertreat yourself. Good luck and God bless.

..·´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨)) -:¦:-
((¸¸.·´ ¸.·´ -:¦:- -:¦:-
-:¦:- ((¸¸.Maryann -:¦:-´´

Stage IV Inflammatory BC 1/00
4 Adriomycin/Cytoxin - 4 Taxol
MRM 24nod/5+ Her2+
Tamoxifen - 4 1/2 years
Rads 32x
Mets to lung/liver/nodes 10/04
video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS) surgery w/pleurodesis
Weekly Herceptin
Taxatiere Carboplaten 3 weeks on 1 week off
Daily Femera
Lupron every three months
4/26/05 NED - treatments continued so not to be undertreated

08-02-2005, 10:52 AM
Hi Diane -
I took four rounds of Taxotere in 2001. This was after 12 weekly Adriamycin. Then a break of 4 weeks.
Taxotere was VERY hard on me and I had terrible flu symptoms and pains. My legs got weak and i was a real mess.
I was on the every-3 week schedule (I understand the two-week dose was easier to tolerate) and only the last few days was I much good for normal life.

My doctor lowered my last dose by 25%. That was the protocal - cut by 1/4 rather than skip a dose - since I was on a trial with Taxotere and Neupogen. My counts got whacked pretty well on that drug. I also needed Epo to keep my red counts up to stay on that drug.

The neuropathy was not the problem - was minimal as I did take the B6 and Folic Acid on advice of my med onc. He had just been involved in a trial on ways to lessen neuropathy and said these things helped as well as taking a good multi vitamin with the trace minerals.

Diane H
08-03-2005, 09:53 AM
Hi Steph, it's not the nails that bothers me, you are right they can all fall off if it works and I would be fine with that. It is the pain and nerve damage I am experiencing in my feet and hands with the third go round. It is more than likely to be much worse next time. So I'm wondering, maybe a reduction in dose would help. In any case it''s the final stretch for this phase of treatment and I am flagging. My blood counts are taking a pounding too. I am on neulasta and have started procrit. So I am wondering, maybe enough is enough. Thanks to all - your input is greatly appreciated, Hugs, Diane

Diane H
08-03-2005, 09:58 AM
Whoops, meant to address previous post to Maryann. As an aside, I have painful nail beds but only a few have actually lifted. I think if I had cut my nails very short it would have helped. The ones that lifted were ones I had used to pry on things.

08-03-2005, 01:15 PM
Diane -
My pain and discomfort level did NOT change and get worse, even with a 3/4 dose for the last time. And just knowing it was the last dose was a morale booster.
I figured that getting the drug was more important that a few more days of feeling like absolute crap.

L-glutamine. This is something that has NOT been mentioned. This supplement really helps the neuropathy. I was taking this along with the Taxotere. Also used the drug Neurontin to help with the pains. It worked well enough to allow me to sleep.
You can take this even after the chemos and should notice a difference.

Diane H
08-03-2005, 02:01 PM
Steph, that is so coincidental, I had read and heard of the glutamine and just today had decided to head for the vitamin store and buy some! Worth a shot I'd say, and it was good to hear your experience did not get worse with the fourth treatment. I'll try and gear up for the final sprint. Dr's appt tomorrow pre treatment. Sending healing thoughts for all you brave ladies, you are all such inspiration.