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View Full Version : Getting Insurance after Cancer DX

*_Linda in Calif._*
06-16-2005, 09:36 PM
Hi All: I was wondering if any of you know if it makes any difference in getting Health Insurance after you have passed the 5 year mark after being DXed with cancer? When I was originally DXed my husband and I were in the middle of a "friendly divorce". I applied to several companies but the minute I said, " Stage III, Node Positive " they said ,"No way." Because he's a nice guy we stopped the legal process on our divorce so I wouldn't lose my health insurance coverage. It's been 3 years since DX and luckily I have been NED the whole time but now we both have significant others in our life (no plans to marry so it's not as if I can get health coverage through my "new" husband). We would both like to move on but could wait another 2 years to hit the 5 year Disease Free mark. If we went ahead with our divorce I know I can COBRA for 18 months and then there is a "High Risk Insurance Fund" available here in Calif. but I checked it out and it will cost me about $500 per month, which I really can't afford. I am only 52 so Medicare is a ways away and I make too much (but not a lot) for Medical. Do any of you have any suggestions? It is very scary to not have Health Ins. Thanks, Linda in Calif.

06-16-2005, 10:06 PM
Hi Linda; An insurance broker may be able to answer the 5 year question. I was only able to qualify for the high risk pool here in Oregon, and that was before I had a definitive diagnosis, just an "undiagnosed breast lump". Maybe you could join an organization which has a group plan that you would qualify for after a certain period? Best of luck in your quest.


06-17-2005, 04:40 AM
You may find some info here:

California Insurance (http://cc.ucsf.edu/crc/insurance_overview.html#pre-existing)

Also, If you log on your picture will show up with your posts.

Regards, See you on the 26th ?

06-17-2005, 06:58 AM
Are you planning to continue or return to work? If so, your insurer's policy should cover you without asking about pre-existing conditions. My company offers CIGNA PPO and HMO. The PPO requires proof of no lapse in coverage (which I didn't have), so I selected the HMO.

Otherwise, I'd check with AARP. You're old enough to join (over 50) and I know they do have a health care policy but don't know the particulars of it.

06-17-2005, 11:21 AM

This is an issue for everyone. My mom is also not eligible because of the node positive and Her2 positive part. This high risk insurance plan, is that availible in other states than California? My mom even called the ACS and got nothing. Joe, I would appreciate any help. My parents may have to return to Canada for any treatment, which is fine but far away from family.


06-17-2005, 04:16 PM
18 months after my first diagosis, I went to work for a new company. They were a very large organization, and did not ask questions about pre existing conditions.

My new insurance company just picked up coverage from my first month at work with them, and when I was diagnosed with mets to liver and bones barely 3 months later, never gave me a problem about coverage.

If that's an option for you, I'd look for a large employer that would just pick up your insurance coverage.

*_Linda in Calif._*
06-18-2005, 12:04 AM
Hi Everyone, Thanks for the response. I am self-employed so I don't have the option to go to work for a large business...at least if I want to keep my own small business going. I am going to talk to a Patient Advocate on Monday. She was recomended to me by the girl who does the insurance at my Onc.'s office. I'll let you know if I find out anything. Take Care, Linda in Calif.