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View Full Version : Phase II Trials Planned for Cancer Vaccine

06-14-2005, 12:48 PM
I believe that this is the vaccine which is under trials at the Windber Medical Center and Walter Reed Hospital

Breast Cancer Vaccine (http://cdmrp.army.mil/bcrp/era/abstracts2005/0410561%5Fabs.pdf)


06-14-2005, 06:50 PM
Joe - is there any info on how to get into these trials? I am 90 minutes from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN but can't seem to get any info at this point. A number of postings ago Eric showed that the U of W Seattle trial and the Mayo work were collaborative. It appears that the Vaccine is given concurrently with Herceptin so timing is essential. I would even travel to Seattle if I had to, but if Mayo is involved all the better.

Thank you, and thank you for this forum. I am on concurrent Herceptin and Taxol right on schedule because of this message board and what I learned from it. From the time I found out from you about the breaking news on the clinical trials to the time I had convinced my doctor to start Herceptin with my Taxol I had three weeks. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. This has become my primary source of information, inspiration and prayers for the other women.

06-14-2005, 09:28 PM
Cheryl, try contacting Patricia Fintak, Study Research Nurse at University of Washington: (206) 543-6620. I think this article is in reference to the UW/Seattle CTL vaccine, as among the authors listed are Dr's Webster and Salazar. Good luck!


al from canada
06-18-2005, 07:43 PM
I missed Eric's post on collaboration. Anyone point me in the right direction?