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View Full Version : getting excited for first vaccine!

michele u
05-25-2005, 11:14 PM
I'm waiting for Miracle flights to get with me for the final approval of the first flight to Seattle! My friend is flying with me so i'm hoping to feel good enough after the vaccine to do a little site seeing. How did you all that took the vaccine feel after your vaccines? Didn't know if i would feel yucky or not

05-26-2005, 06:53 AM
Hi Michelle,
I first want to say that your latest picture is great! You look so pretty and HEALTHY! I have read your recent posts about the vaccine trial, but I was wondering if you could share some info about your background that led you to the decision to enter the trial. I worry constantly about recurrence and wonder if this is something I should be considering. Thanks.

michele u
05-26-2005, 08:58 AM
Thanks for the compliments! I finished the adjuvant Herceptin trial in March 2005. I always knew i wanted to do the vaccine trials when i was done with Herceptin. At first they had the exclusion taking herceptin on the vaccine trial, but that was lifted for this certain trial last december i think. Now they will take women that have had Herceptin. I was stage 3 at dx with 34 pos nodes. so i know that i'm at a very high risk for recurrence. I just wanted to do everything i can!

05-26-2005, 09:35 AM
Hi Michelle - I did the Seattle vaccine trial - finished it up in October last year - and always felt up to walking and sight-seeing the day of and the day after the vaccine. I did have a bit of a sore thigh (the injection site), but walking was fine, and I always thought that while walking I was pumping that vaccine throughout my body! I really enjoyed getting to know Seattle, and the University district, as my twin sons are now freshmen there.

Best wishes,
Mariianne (from Vancouver, WA)

05-26-2005, 02:13 PM
Dear Michele:

My wife, Lisa, completed her last vaccine treatment in January, 2005. The vaccine does not cause any upset whatever, however on your first treatment and at your third treatment they will draw 200cc of blood for testing your immune system and your initial immune response. This blood draw along with the fact that we flew to Seattle from Pittsburgh over three time zones had the effect of tiring Lisa to a point on those occasions that she did not want to do much touring.
On several of our trips we stayed more than one day and we toured around the city and had some very nice dinners at several excellent restaurants.
You will find that when you take a treatment that does not incorporate a blood draw, that the whole treatment takes about 45 minutes (you have to stay there an hour while they watch for an allergic reaction), and your are finished.

Good Luck and God Bless!

05-26-2005, 10:16 PM
Hi Michele -
How did you do with finding a place to stay?
Let me know when your plane arrives and we can try to arrange a get-together.
More soon.

05-27-2005, 06:47 AM
Michele - I am very excited and happy (and a little jealous) for you!!! You look great!! Keep up the good attitude. You've come a long way baby....