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View Full Version : 2 New Clinical Trials

05-17-2005, 04:10 PM
Veritas Medicine has suggested that I post the following trials for our members:

Advanced Breast Cancer Study (http://www.advancedbreastcancerstudy.com/hersp)

Lapatinib (GW572016) (http://www.breastcancertrial.com/hersp)

Warmest Regards

05-18-2005, 11:50 AM
Thanks, Joe -
It seems to me that once our cancer has spread to our brain that we are not eligible for clinical trials such as these.
I am sure Christine would know the answer to this.
Just wondering if it is worth my bothering with these trials since I now have had brain involvment.

Would sure like to participate and get Lapatinib somehow! Even though Herceptin is working for me, it does not cross the blood/brain barrier ... ;(

05-18-2005, 12:19 PM

On occasion tests may be coordinated at one location, but can be administered locally. You may want to get in touch with Dana Farber. Dr. Winer is doing a trial on brain mets and Lapatinib
