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View Full Version : Hi Sheila

05-14-2005, 12:00 PM
Noticed a couple of posts from you and thought about your little granddaughter who was so ill recently.
Have not seen a post with her progress, so wanted to ask.
Perhaps I missed something while I was away, but scanning the subjects did not see anything.

I know you are there for her!

05-14-2005, 06:04 PM
Thank you so much for asking, Jasmine recovered from her pneumonia and was then taken to Rush for an assesment on surgery for her spinal deformity....Rush in Chicago is the only hospital in the Midwest that does the new (just FDA improved) titanium rib procedure which is done on children with severe spinal malformations. After a 4 hour MRI on a vent, the Dr. decided that there was no spinal cord involvement and he could perform the procedure. We are now awaiting a date for the surgery, as it was just approved by the FDA in March...although it is very risky, without this procedure, the Dr. said Jasmine would be lucky to live another year to year and a half. So like many of the things we all experience, it is one of those things you just have to do and pray alot that she will be able to survive. They are planning on doping the surgery in June so I am praying that all will go fine. It is so hard to see a child suffer, and also so hard to take such a big risk, knowing that we might lose her...but on the other hand if we don't take the risk, we will lose her for sure. Please continue to keep her in your prayers....she is my little angel from heaven, always so loving and happy.

05-16-2005, 12:07 PM
She fights on and just got over the hurdle of the FOUR-hour MRI - and passed! Bet that caused a big sigh of relief from you and your daughter.
Now on to the next phase, including keeping Jasmine healthy until the surgery date.
At least she has a shot now at a longer life, and we shall all keep her in our prayers.
Update us again as the surgery date nears, OK?
Yoiu deserve a license plate holder that says, "World's Best Grandma"

05-16-2005, 02:49 PM
Hi Sheila,

As soon as you know Jasmine's surgery date, would you kindly let us know? This way, we'd pray for her during the surgery day.

Prayers & Blessings ~ JO.