View Full Version : Count our blessings

01-20-2005, 06:56 PM
Hello group!

After reading Maryann's whole story I have to say many of us a pretty lucky!! I am lucky that my crummy insurance covers all my chemo drugs, and that I have a supportive husband and church (Unitarian).

Just wanted to report that so far so good on brain met treatment with CyberKnife. I had it done at Sinai Baltimore; they went after 5 mets, and it took four hours of laying still. Yes the radiologist thought he found five MORE mets that week -- TINY dots, we are not sure are even cancer. (CyberKnife is NEW - only 5 places have it; uses a robot arm instead of clamping that big metal thing on you. More accurate, they say.)

I plan on continuing follow-up at Georgetown (logistcal and insurance reasons). I know Whole Brain radiation is standard of care, but we have found lots of studies suporting the targeted approach. They did test my spinal fluid, and so far its not in there.

I have no symptoms from the brain mets; still don't (symptoms are from tumor in lymph node base of skull). I am praying they got the one met that was in the brain stem.

So far so good.

NAVELBINE: so far, breasts not responding to Navelbine added to Herceptin treatment. I swear, they have mutated!!

Cheers! Michele in Maryland

01-20-2005, 08:03 PM
Good news on the cyber, sorry about not getting the reaction you want on the navelbine. You've got such a great attitude Michele - it's an inspiration!

01-20-2005, 08:50 PM
Michele -
I am watching your Cyberknife treatment with great interest, as I know are many others.

I forgot to say that they told me that my Gamma Knife treatment was accuarate to 1mm. If Cyberknife beats that it can really split hairs!

I just know there will be a drug to plug those other pesky pathways - keep up the search as you sound much more miserable than I. Just sitting waiting for the numbness to wear off at the back of my head from the neuro's shots 2 days ago!

01-20-2005, 10:57 PM
I am praying for you too...Don't ever underestimate your strength. You have done an amazing job fighting the beast so far. I know it is difficult, but we all have to be thankful for the small miricles we have, no matter how small. You are an inspiration!

01-22-2005, 10:47 PM

Great to hear "so far, so good." I wanted to make a correction to something you've said, though. My understanding is there are 18 Cyberknife centers in the U.S. and Canada currently. I think that is the right number. I posted the locations a few months back.

Love and light,
