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View Full Version : Prayer for my cousin

12-30-2004, 05:43 AM

Today, my cousin goes in for her lumpectomy. She has a 4 cm tumor in her breast and at least one node that is 2.5cm. She is having her auxillary nodes taken also.

These sound like lg. tumors to me, but I know some of you have had bigger. Would you mind saying a prayer for Betty today.

She is in good spirits and isn't scard of the surgery, but more so the chemo that will follow.

I have a question. Her surgeon said that the tumor wasn't attached, and that was good news. Can someone explain that to me? thanks.

Thank you all for all your support for me this past year and now my cousin. Take Care k

12-30-2004, 07:19 AM
Hi Kristen, I'll certainly keep Betty in my thoughts and prayers today. I too had a very large tumor, plus another small primary, and it was actually a relief to have a mastectomy to rid myself of the visible evidence of the cancer. I think Betty will find the chemo not as bad as she fears, as least I did and I know others have reported the same.

That the tumor is not attached to the chest muscle is good news because the surgeon will probably be able to excise it without damaging the muscle too much, which helps down the road with maintaining good range of motion in the shoulder on the affected side, and also helps cut down the likelyhood of local recurrence to the tissue.

Best Wishes to Betty, tell her we're pulling for her.
Love, Lolly

12-30-2004, 02:37 PM
Kristen- I am sending prayers your way for you, your cousin and family.
I know she will be fine- My initial cancer was a 4.5 cm . Are they doing a mastectomy or lumpectomy? Have they talked about chemo? I had adramycin and cytoxin every 3 weeks for 4 months . I did not have node involvment. Hopefully she will be a candidate for herceptin- that has been such a blessing for so many of us. Keep us posted! God Bless, PattyD

al from canada
12-30-2004, 02:55 PM
Dear Kristen,
I wish your cousin the best and let us know how she makes out.

01-01-2005, 08:24 AM
Thank you all for responding. She did well through the surgery. I couldn't find out how many lymphnodes the dr. took out. They said 2 strands. We will know this week her path report. Thanks again. Take Care K