View Full Version : OUCH!!!!

12-23-2004, 11:40 PM

I had a lumpectomy in March and a second Surgery early April, had about 30% of the breast removed and 17 nodes removed... I obviously lost a lot of feeling in my arm. During the summer months I regained feeling in most of my arm, sometimes painful due to the nerves trying to fuse back together... but today, there is a SHARP quick jab of pain in the area of my breast that I had the surgery. Sharp enough to make me say, Hey, what was that?
It has been 8 and a half months from surgery, been thought 6 months of chemo and half way through 35 radiations... could this be related to the radiation? COuld something be trying to fuse now this much later?
If anyone has ever had something like this, I would sure be interested in hearing from you. This is a bad time to get in to the doctor as it is the holiday week...

12-24-2004, 01:23 AM
I had pain constantly in my sternum area where my mastectomy was. They did a chest x-ray and bone scan and it was 6 months post radiation and that was what was causing it so they say. It still is tender to the touch in places and can be uncomfortable.

They always say Shannon if something lasts longer than 2weeks have it checked my your dr. From my limited understanding, if it was bone mets, it is a constant pain that continues to get worse. lungs I don't know about or heart. Wish you the best, it is a bad time to have something unnerving come along, no one is available.

MY cousin was just DX with BC last week and had her scans today, she doesn't know if she wants the results back before Christmas or not. I guess I will find out tomorrow what she decided. Take care k

Sandy H.
12-24-2004, 06:52 AM
I had a bilateral mastectomy and had lots of sharp pains. Still have sharp pains every now and then at the primary site and its been 3 years. Lots of nerves that get cut in there. Some times I will wake up in the night with sharp pains. Like Kristen said if it last for 2 weeks it needs to be checked out. I am sure you will get more replies. I hope this helps and you can enjoy the Holidays. Hugs, Sandy

12-25-2004, 04:04 AM
Hi, I had pains like that for months and the man doctor thought I was mad, then I had a chest X-ray because of a flue virus and it showed and mentioned I had surgical clips insertd during surgery, der!! it wasn't my imagination it was the clips pulling and healing, then the dumb ass made a comment like he didn't know I had an X-Ray done and he ordered it, he was seeing a patient every 5 minutes, not bad revenue, guess what don't see him anymore. I am not sure if you had any clips but I now take Epelim 2000 (not only for epilepsy but other nerve damage) and I have done for the last 5 years and I am not as bad, before it felt like I had a strip of barbed wire around my chest being pulled tight, Just a thought.

Love & Hugs Lyn