View Full Version : chemo+dentisr

Patty H
12-01-2004, 04:26 PM
I just made a dentist appointment, my first since being staged 4. I had ask my Dr. and he had said on the weeks I am just on herceptin. When I made the appointment they had me call my Dr. and have him fax his approval. I guess when I was first staged 4 I figured I wasn't going to be around long enough to mess with my teeth. Sounded like a good excuse for someone who hates going to the dentist. I was wondering what you ladies that are stage 4 do about the dentist. Patty H

12-01-2004, 07:08 PM
PattyH - how ironic that you sent your message about the dentist. No one on the planet has a greater fear of dentists than I do. However, it has beenseveral years and I am finally having some pain and know I probably have cavities in every tooth. Checked with my onc and he said to go so I finally took the first step and made an appointment for next week. However, as I am stage 4, I don't want to do too much beyond having cavities filled and crowns/root canals if needed. I see no reason at this point to have implants or any kind of cosmetic dentistry when a bridge would probably do just as well. What are you going to do? It is a dicey question but I am sure we need to keep our teeth as healthy as possible.
Let me know what you decide to do. Cheers, CathyB

Guest-lu ann_*
12-01-2004, 07:16 PM
When I was on chemo 13 years ago I developed peridontal disease. I lost allot of gum tissue and bone. I see a perodontist and dentist alternating every 3 months to prevent further disease. Your dentist can prescribe antibiotics before cleanings to keep the bacteria from harming you if it gets into your system. It is really important that your dentist and doctor work together on this to prevent infection. Blessings, Lu Ann.

12-01-2004, 10:50 PM
I too put off going to the dentist after dx 5+ years ago...I finally realized this year that it was OK to take care of my dental health also! Got the go-ahead from my onc, and yes, antibiotics were prescribed before each procedure: cleaning, 2 cavities filled, 2 crowns placed. I'm now on 6 month check-ups for gums, and am very happy about healthy teeth and gums again. It reflects my attitude about my goals for a healthy body, mind and spirit.

Love, Lolly

12-02-2004, 04:59 AM
Hi all, we must be on the same wave length, I think because I am now NED I can relax a little and take care of the things that got a back seat like teeth, and if I should wast my money, with the big IF, after all of the radiation and chemo I have had my teeth are sensitive. I did go 12 months ago and had my two teeth at the front bleached from where I had root canal when I fell and smashed them a few years back, it did wonders for my feeling of well being, but not been back since because of the chemo thing, also going to a podiatrist tomorrow to sort out my Taxol big toes, ok if I don't wear covered in shoes but now I can have something done, what I don't know but I will keep you informed.

Love & Hugs Lyn.

Pam P
12-02-2004, 01:44 PM
I am stage iv with bone mets. I go to the dentist every 6 months for cleanings. When I was 1st dx & on chemo on A/C & cytoxin my onc. told me to cancel my dentist appointment until the chemo was done, unless I was having problems. Now that I have bone mets, I've kept up my dental routine even when on chemo. My dentist goes by whatever my onc. recommends. My onc. says that if my blood counts are okay (& they have been) to go ahead - better to do it on a week off chemo, but he doesn't require it. Because I have a port the dentist insists that I pre-medicate with a penicillin pill. I do it, but my onc. says it's fine, but he doesn't require met to do it.

As for fear of the dentist, yes, count me in that group too, but I've had lots of yucky filling work done years ago & want to avoid that in future, so the twice a year cleanings are priority for me.