View Full Version : Update...NED

10-01-2003, 04:12 AM
Just a little update...
After 12 weeks of Taxol+Herceptin I had another CT scan.Everything looked the same as the scan 6 weeks prior; tiny stable " no new lesions.Hoooray!CA27.29 was 33.
My onc said ""I think it's a good time to do a PET scan to see if the little spots we're still seeing is true disease or just scar tissue"".
In the meantime I had my 13th week of TH & my PET scan the next week.
9/11-My 14th week of TH" 49 TOTAL weeks of weekly chemo my PET Scans came back NED!
I'm now on weekly Herceptin so far just 2 weeks.This week we'll move to a triple dose and I'll be doing Herceptin every 3 weeks from now on.
I'm celebrating this moment and this successful treatment.I know the sobering reality that I will most likely be back on chemo but I hope and pray later than sooner.
With my amazing support group of family and family of friends all of you here in this group and strong faith I have the confidence that I can handle and will handle anything that comes my way.And I will continue to celebrate.
Prayers faith & courage for us all!