View Full Version : Irene, Thanks for checking on me

02-21-2004, 01:59 PM

Thank you for checking on me. I am doing about the same or maybe a little bit better. I have continued to defer the blood transfusions. So far we know I have a microcytic anemia/severe iron deficiency. My Iron level is 12, normal is 35-155, Ferritin is 4.4, normal is 10-291. I have been on a huge amount of iron, 325mg three times a day. It has slowly brought my hemoglobin from 7.1 to 9.2. That is good news! Some of my shortness of breath seems to be better. I had been having a problem with "restless legs", come to find out that is one of the symptoms of severe iron deficiency. It too has gotten better. I have also had a lot of other weird symptoms like severe ice craving. I thought I had just picked up a bad habbit. But guess what-a symptom of severe iron deficiency. Who would have ever thought. I didn't even mention it to my doctor- "Oh by the way doc, I like to chew ice all day!!!" It seems to be getting much better also. The question still remains, why the huge blood lose or do I have a bone marrow problem or intestinal absorption problem. The list of possibilities they have given me is quite long including more mets of course or colon cancer. My last CT was in January and it was still clear. I am scheduled for upper and lower endoscopies on Friday. That should be fun!!! Another possibility is a bleeding ulcer. Although I am not aware of having any symptoms, that is the diagnosis I am voting for!!! Considering the other options, I may be the first person to be exstatic over having a bleeding ulcer! I will try to let you know what I find out. I really appreciate you checking on me. I hope you are well.
