View Full Version : prayers

Marsha Brekke
02-19-2004, 11:42 PM
Good morning!
I am going in on the 23rd for a bone and ct scan to check on the liver mets and to make sure they are shrinking. I am a little worried as I have had alot of pain in my stomach. So please hold me up and help me through this time.

go well,
Marsha B

02-20-2004, 01:22 AM
You've got it.....everything will be just fine. Waiting is the hardest part, isn't it?

Sherry in WV
02-20-2004, 02:31 AM
You all are in my prayers, will say a special one for you. Kitty is right, waiting is the hardest thing we do...waiting for the test to be done, waiting for the results. Keep your chin up! WE are all pulling for you.

Steph N.
02-20-2004, 03:44 AM
What I did when in the "waiting for the next results" phase was to seek out stories of women who beat this horrid thing. Had to know it was worth all the pain and aggravation! I would wander the bookstores or the net - look at the "stories" section in this site and you will meet some incredible women who fought as hard as they could and are still here! Such as Ginger Empy whose story is here ... she was my hero!
I was on weekly protocol during my mets treatment and all the infusion suite nurses knew me - they would encourage me with stories of successes and I would get to meet other women who were doing well on a treatment. You will find the other half of the story as well - but I focused on the positive side! I am still here to encourage YOU, as are the others on this site.
Blessings and smiles.

02-20-2004, 10:06 AM
Dear marsha
I know how you feel. I am having my mri on Wednesday (25) to see if the positive bone scan or the negative xray showed bone mets. I am thinking of you and hoping for good news..


02-20-2004, 02:37 PM
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, and hoping you see improvement. Just do something fun this weekend and try to take your mind off of things; you deserve a break!

02-21-2004, 06:27 AM
i wanted to ask for prayers for my mom.she is having scans done again next wed feb 25 and we will get the results when we see the onc on the 27th. she has liver mets (a few spots) and brain mets. they wont be doing a scan of the brain right now. sehs been on navelbine and gemzar every firday since dec 31. please pray for her that this combo has worked!!

Kim in CA.
02-21-2004, 12:08 PM
I too had liver mets, but am now NED. I remember when I first became stageIV and so many people said they would keep me in their prayers. I pray alot these days for all of us and I will say a special prayer for you. Kim

02-22-2004, 09:17 AM

When you go in for your test, you obviously won't be alone! We'll all be there with you in spirit.
I'm on Navelbine and Herceptin for bone and liver mets (about 25% of liver). I, too, occasionally have stomach pain, and particularly did at first with the Navelbine. But 3 months after starting treatment, my CT scan showed the liver mets had shrunk by 50%! Now that's news I don't mind waiting for!!

Love and light,
