View Full Version : BC mets to liver/bones ? for Beth

Sherry in WV
02-25-2004, 07:13 AM
I was late stage IV with extensive mets to liver.
Many small tumors and one very large. I had to go off taxotere early because I had severe neuro and muscular reaction and could not walk. Lost all my finger nails with pus under them and then infections. I compeleted five chemo treatments and Onc said no more or I would be too toxic to reverse the effects of the Chemo. I went on weekly herceptin and now am on every 3 week regime. My early prognosis was not good but as I told the Onc when he told me the dx and 6 mos maybe a year prognosis, Only God can tell me when my time is up....So here I am. The tumor in my liver is only 2 cms now and no sign in bone.
Peace, Sherry