View Full Version : Herceptin - Signs of Cardiac Toxicity

03-01-2004, 11:05 PM
I have been receiving weekly Herceptin for about 6 months. So far, all heart scans have been normal. This past weekend I had some extreme chest pains where I was doubled over. Ended up in urgent care. My EKG was normal. They gave me Donnatal and Lidacaine which eased the pain and I was allowed to go home. This whole episode lasted about 6 hours. I have never had anything like this. Now I feel fine. Could this be Herceptin related? Should I mention this to my onc?

03-02-2004, 02:50 AM
Do you have a port? I have an implanted subclavian port for my Herceptin infusions.
I had similar experience last August, I developed shortness of breath and intermittent chest pains, lasting 2 days, then I was fine, so I didn't want to bother my onc. At my next infusion my port was totally blocked, and a dye study of the port's function showed that the catheter had fractured and a 4 inch piece was in my heart. It was retrieved via an angioplasty type procedure, and a new port was placed.
My onc and I think that the initial symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath signalled the catheter fracture. If you have a port, please do call your doctor and discuss your recent symptoms. Fractures are a rare complication , but they DO happen, and are nothing to fool around with.

03-02-2004, 02:57 AM
Thanks for the input. Yes, I do have a port.

03-02-2004, 08:44 AM
It could be so many things. But by all means, tell your onc.

Love and light,


03-03-2004, 11:13 PM
Hi there, did you have any pain anywhere else. I had a similar episode with pain going up to my jaw. This came on the same week end I was told I was in remission, and my treatment complete, AC rads CMF, it wasn't a heart attack it was the sack the heart sits in contracting like cling wrap causing the pain.(pericarditus) My pain was also relieved with meds and I was kept in hospital for 3 days with an anti biotic Keflex, tests on the heart later said it was fine. Do mention it to your onc, but if yours is like mine they only know oncology, I complained to him about my shoulder pain and he said it was probably arthritus, he knew I had fell but it wasn's detected until month's later, after the scare I thought I must have bone mets, I had a bone scan to rule this out, it was discovered later I had fractured my shoulder and it had gone untreated for months. My left ventricle has always been in the high 50%-61% and I have been on Herceptin for over 2 years, triple dose every 3 weeks. This is just another possibility.

Hugs Lyn