View Full Version : Hope this helps

03-20-2004, 11:29 AM
The one important thing to remember is YOU are the one with BC. If you want scans, blood tests etc. and your oncologist won't order them, FIND ANOTHER. They are right in the fact that the scans are only as good as the person performing them and the radiologist reading them, that is the importance of getting a copy and going to a hospital that performs these tests routinely...CT scans like you had with the bone scans are good, but the PET seems to be more accurate and can detect things sooner. I am blessed to have an oncologist who is a breast cancer survivor, and she is very understanding of my fears...you are your own best advocate in getting the tests you want...

03-20-2004, 12:57 PM
Dear Lori: I am disturbed that your radiation oncologist would say such blanket statements! If you want a scan, you find a doctor who will order one for you. This is your body and your cancer. If these doctors only knew how damaging their hollow statements can be sometimes! Yikes! glad that your regular oncologist is easer to talk with. Sorry you were depressed about this tactless statement by this doc, too. They don't know. Hang in there!