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View Full Version : to Sue C re Navelbine

Irene from Tampa
03-21-2004, 08:02 AM
Hi Sue -

Yes, that same thing happened to me. With my second recurrence, my mets went to my liver also. They put me on Navelbine which seemed to work for about 7 months, then I was put on Gemzar which worked for about another 8 months, My tumor though remained in my liver and was kept at about 2 x 3 cm. After about 1 1/2 years of this I had the abalation procedure done to get rid of my liver tumor. I am now on Xeloda since December and so far so good. I am "stable" nothing new showing at present. I have been on Herceptin for the last 4 1/2 yrs also.

Don't give up, and believe me I know it's scary, but there are alot of tricks in their bags and something new coming out everyday that might just be the 'ONE FOR YOU' so you just hang in there and enjoy life to the fullest. I am an (8) year survivor and still going strong.