View Full Version : Ditto - Ron

Steph N.
03-22-2004, 02:56 PM
You hit the nail squarely! I was in such a dither trying to get my life back in order after radiation and chemo that I was not much thinking about my chances of mets.
If they come - I would deal with it then, just needed to try to get back into my "normal-before-cancer" routine and catch up with projects here and there.
Personally, I know of a couple of women who are Her2 pos with NO mets, but I know many more who eventually had mets intrude on their lives.
We have already had a few posts regarding the stats and how accurate they may or may not be.

03-23-2004, 04:10 AM
Thanks for the messages. Surely though it does not mean we will all have mets and live shorter lives? There must be some who go to live long lives. Before they could test for her2 pos. I know there is a high risk. Does anyone know those odds? I am her2 pos and hormone pos.
Have a great day.

03-25-2004, 09:28 AM
The way I see it, it will come when and if it is ready. The ONLY thing I can control is MY reponse. So, I work on trying to be receptive, should a mets event happen. Which is more likely, stats- wise, given my her2 neu status. Not to worry, I remind myself, because there is no percentage in it. That is NOT to SAY that I haven't. I just ACTIVELY coach myself - Don't worry - BE happy. Some days, it works. Other days, I turn up the volumne of the music...

I can't overly emphasize how helpful this site has been to my mental well-being. I lurk alot, but would shout that I love you all for your candidness. It get's me through the day. Indeed.