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View Full Version : Hi Ally

03-25-2004, 11:27 AM
I think that Herceptin in combo with a chemo agent is considered "big gun" treatment, because Herceptin in certain combinations has been shown to be synergistic; much more powerful than by itself. I also am wondering about your Her2 status, as in how strongly positive the tumor was. Does your pathology report say anything about Her2 1+, 2+, or 3+? That's usually how the oncologists here determine whether Herceptin is going to be effective. The more strongly positive, the more effective it will be.
If the report doesn't mention this, ask your doctor about it, this is your information and you have a right to know the details, plus even though it's a little daunting and scary absorbing all this new information, it's a way of taking control and feeling like YOU are calling the shots, not cancer. As Steph says, Knowledge is Power!
hugs, Lolly